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  • Plugin Author anmari


    If you are using more than one language then DO NOT edit the default text.
    All text is translateable – ie those default strings are in the.pot file, so simple create translations for all languages INCLUDING your home language.


    Thread Starter YogieAnamCara


    Thank you anmari!

    I’m using XILI-language on my site and I’m able to create a MO file with custom translations like you describe on your page.

    The MO file for example is called “” so I wonder if your filter will catch this MO file?

    if (!function_exists(‘amr_load_custom_text’) ) { // for filter
    function amr_load_custom_text( $mofile, $domain=” ) {
    //only do for the plugins/themes you want
    if (!in_array($domain, array(‘amr-ical-events-list’, ‘amr-events’)))
    return $mofile;

    $pathinfo = pathinfo($mofile);
    $custom_mofile = WP_CONTENT_DIR.”/languages/”
    . $pathinfo[“basename”];
    if (file_exists($custom_mofile))
    return ($custom_mofile);
    return $mofile;
    add_filter (‘load_textdomain_mofile’,’amr_load_custom_text’,10,2 );

    Or is it looking for

    But I have the feeling that your plugin is just following the WP Codex till a certain degree and not 100%!? Because there should not be any need to add a filter to the functions.php!

    Many thanks again!

    Plugin Author anmari


    Hi Yogie,

    I linked to the “accent” page to show you that you could add “translations” for the ‘home’ language (eg: english). You only need the filter IF you do not want any language updates to override your custom language file.

    The filter example given allows for amr-ical-events-list and amr-events to have custom files and NOT have own translations overridden by a standard plugin update, so yes in that code example it would allow a file existing as: wp-content/languages/ to be used INSTEAD of the one in the plugin language folder.

    See also

    The ‘IF’ logic or array of plugins/themes in the function should be changed if you wish to store your custom files elsewhere OR have some other naming format. Only areas that have custom files should be included, so that normal translation files will be loaded the rest of the time.

    Plugin Author anmari


    Hmm, actually I think the codex needs updating (any one got the time?)

    It currently advises this:

    BUT suggests a better approach for plugins (LOAD BOTH custom and standard language files. If custom loaded FIRST, then any missing translations will fall back to the standard file (see end of post).

    (There is a link to geert’s post in the ‘resources’ section of the wp i18n page.)

    Plugin Author anmari


    Any my plugin should update to load BOTH custom and standard so for real translations one does not need to translate everything again.
    Perhaps in the next update?

    Thread Starter YogieAnamCara



    the problem is that the values in Listing Events / General Options are not stored in a PO/MO file at all!

    I mean the values that are set in the admin UI behind these items:

    Message if no events found:
    Look for more events message:
    Look for previous events message:
    Reset events message:

    So I created a MO file to have these variables translated into the “origin” and “foreign” languages but they do not load. I have inserted the filter and aligned the path to the folder where the PO/MO files are. I also renamed it to “” although the nice way is to have it as “”!

    Looking into you code I think I already see two different filters you are using to do translations and now I do have a third one and it is still not working!?

    To my humble opinion using (all) what the WP codes is offering is not the same as following the codex in a nice and clean way, but I’m not a developer.

    So what shall I do to get the values translated!?

    Cheers and happy Easter!

    Plugin Author anmari


    Hi Yogie,
    Actually (took me a bit of debugging to figure this out!) – the problem is that once custom text’s have been stored in the database, then these override the translations of the default texts. IE: the texts load, the defaults get translated and then previously saved texts are overwriting the transaltions (so it makes it look like it hasn’t translated!)

    To test this (on a test system), there is a button to reset all the event listing options (warning will lose settings) so that it looks like a new plugin activation. With no saved defaults, the translations of those 4 special texts will load.

    Obviously this ‘overwriting’ is a bug. Thank you for highlighting this.

    Probably the plugin should pass the saved text through gettext too? or know not to overwrite ?

    RE: Strings:

    The strings are in recently scanned .po files (they load for me), but may not have been in the main .pot file. Most translation tools do a ‘scan’ of the plugin files to update the .po for the language being translated. I apologise if you found this confusing. The .po files are only updated if a translator provides me with an updated file and to be honest I don’t know when last the .pot file was updated as folks seem to run a scan to update the .po files themselves. If I do it, sometimes their names as translators gets overwritten.

    RE: Following Codex.
    It does follow the codex wrt default language loading, plus it has a facility for custom language files as in geertdedeckere’s post is linked from the bottom of the codex. The additional custom language filters are as provided by wordpress.
    The changes I will be making soon are:

    This should sort you out without having to worry about filters.

    Re: language file names
    Note: the naming of the files simply follows the wordpress standard. I think having a single custom language file as you suggest would mean you have to put all custom wp, theme and all plugin translations in same file? I don’t know that the translation by textdomain aspect would work then? If you have seen a writeup on this possibility somewhere I’m happy to look into it later.

    I hope to have an update up in a day or so.

    Plugin Author anmari


    Oh dear, in working through this. I saw this

    It means custom language files cannot be stored as suggested by gerret – they will be overwritten by any language pack updates. A good idea and about time BUT…. some folks still want custom translations and we need a standard place (ideally) to put those.

    Thread Starter YogieAnamCara


    Thank you Anmari for getting into it and find a solution ??

    You should maybe have a look at XILI Language, where one part of the trilogy of language plugins is creating a PO language file that is stored in the theme (or child theme) after any update you can easily recreate such a PO file with previous translations.

    XILI language is the BEST multi language plugin (set) I ever have encountered. All other plugins I used failed for some reason or were not SEO friendly.


    Plugin Author anmari


    Hi Joerg,
    I had a very very brief look (not at code) to see if plugins worked together.

    I do not have a need for multi language myself, my interest is purely for users of my plugins, so I am not really in a position to judge quality of any translation plugins. Because amr-events does timezones, I seem to get multi lang interest, and am happy to help make translations work and to direct folks to possible tools.

    Not sure why storing in child theme folders is beneficial – what if one changed themes? – surely content translations should be independent of themes? Or is it just a place to store a custom set of translations? and gets redone if themes changed?

    One thing I noticed is that with Xili it appears one would have to repeat all the event data for each event/( or any post or custom post type) content translation. Did I miss something ?

    Last time I looked at WPML (sadly for others it no longer has a free version) it had settings where one could say which custom fields should be copied or referenced (if it is same whatever the content translation) and which should be translated. This was helpful for events so that changes only need to be made in the main language and not for each translation.

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