list posts/pages with select2
I’m using ‘Admin Page Framework’ to administrate my theme, till now all is fine, but I’m straggling with the little documentation … and can’t list posts/pages from some reason (with select2) … what am I missing ?This code is taken from the demo, but is not working for me:
<?php $this->addSettingFields( array( 'type' => 'select2', 'field_id' => 'pstSwiper_cat', 'options' => array( 'minimumInputLength' => 2, 'width' => '60%', ), 'callback' => array( 'search' => __CLASS__ . '::getPosts', ), ), array( 'field_id' => 'pstSwiper_postno', 'title' => __( 'No. of post to show', 'bitRT' ), 'type' => 'no_ui_slider', 'default' => 4, 'options' => array( 'range' => array( 'min' => 2, 'max' => 10, ), 'step' => 1, ), ), array( // Submit button 'field_id' => 'submit_button', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => __( 'Submit', 'bitRT' ), ) ); function getPosts( $aQueries, $aFieldset ) { $_aArgs = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'paged' => $aQueries[ 'page' ], 's' => $aQueries[ 'q' ], 'posts_per_page' => 30, 'nopaging' => false, ); $_oResults = new WP_Query( $_aArgs ); $_aPostTitles = array(); foreach( $_oResults->posts as $_iIndex => $_oPost ) { $_aPostTitles[] = array( // must be numeric 'id' => $_oPost->ID, 'text' => $_oPost->post_title, ); } return array( 'results' => $_aPostTitles, 'pagination' => array( 'more' => intval( $_oResults->max_num_pages ) !== intval( $_oResults->get( 'paged' ) ), ), ); } new bitRT_Select2CustomFieldType( 'bitRT' ); ?>
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