Hi @borav,
It depends on how the Podlove-Plugin works. If it uses custom taxonomies, you can list by taxonomy:
taxonomy – You can select posts using custom taxonomies. There are two ways of selecting taxonomies:
- Single taxonomy – you need to set the taxonomy and the terms:
[catlist taxonomy='person' terms='bob']
. It supports both the “IN” and “AND” logical relationships between each inner taxonomy. For the “AND” relationship, separate terms with a plus sign: [catlist taxonomy='topic' terms='topic1+topic2']
. For the “OR” relationship, separate terms with a comma: [catlist taxonomy='topic' terms='topic1,topic2']
- Multiple taxonomies – you can use multiple taxonomy terms in one shortcode like this:
- OR – taxonomies_or=”tax1:{term1_1,term1_2};tax2:{term2_1,term2_2,term2_3}”
- AND – taxonomies_and=”tax1:{term1_1,term1_2};tax2:{term2_1,term2_2,term2_3}”
If it uses custom post types, you can do:
[catlist post_type="podcast" numberposts=-1]