• Resolved Lindsey


    This is what I am aiming to do – list all my pages normally in the sidebar as their titles as links, then in the main content area have the pages listed, post-style with the title and a short blurb and a continue reading link —

    Is this possible? I don’t see anything in the codex or in the forums that explains how to do this.

    Thank you!

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  • Is this possible?


    Thread Starter Lindsey


    Ah, ok.

    So if I revert to using categories and posts –

    I’ve looked through the category plugins, but I can’t find one like I want it to do. I know you can have wp_list_cats exclude category ids, but this blog will be adding new categories on the fly and the person updating it doesn’t have the capability to do in and add ids to exclude.

    So what I was wondering is there a way to “include” ids using php or a plugin – without using the exclude thing? Even if I had one main category display and than all the sub-categories that would be ideal.

    Thanks once again,

    Instead of going “technical”… it would be easier for us if you describe exactly what is the final goal you want to achieve?

    Thread Starter Lindsey


    ?? How was that technical?

    I want to list the linked titles of categories on one part of the page. On the other I want to list the posts w/ blurbs. But I only want ONE category (and possibly it’s sub-categories) to show up in those lists.

    What I CAN’T do is use the “exclude” argument for wp_list_cats.

    What I want to be able to do is just tell wordpress to list the titles/blurbs from ONE category (and it’s subcategories).

    “Technical” = when you think you know what template tags or feature to use to do something and you ask questions focused (obsessed?) with that aspect of WP… instead of describing the goal and let the helpers to tell you how can be done.

    You are asking two very different questions.
    1. To list posts in a certain category displaying only the title and excerpts (that’s the WP lingo, not blurb).
    On any category archive view that’s done by default. Replacing the_content tag in the template file with the_excerpt will get you “the blurb”.
    Also, WP does display the posts in the children category/ies if X cat’s name is clicked. By default.

    2. Not clear whether the not-complete category (name) list should be only on THIS category archive or everywhere…

    Thread Starter Lindsey


    I’m very sorry. I guess I am just not explaining this clear enough – I know how to list titles and “blurbs” (my lingo), etc.

    What I want is to limit a extra template I have created to display only one category (and that categories “children” – aka sub-categories) without using the exclude argument. Like I said, at first after I finish setting this up the person who will be using and maintaining it will not have the ability to go in and add each category id for exclusion, and many categories will be created on the fly as he adds his posts.

    I want to have one main category called, “articles” for example. And that main category will have “one” and “two” and “three” as sub cats. I want ONLY those categories posts to be shown.

    So to be extra clear – on one part of the page I want to limit the post excerpts to be shown from only one category and all it’s sub-categories. On the other part, like in a sidebar, I want to just list the main category and sub-category’s names and have them link to their default category archive.

    You do not read carefully when help is offered, sorry.
    Any category template does what you want to do without exclude. I don’t even know where did you get the idea from? WP is smarter than you think! When clicking on a category name it displays ONLY the posts on that category – no need for any sepcial exclude and or trickery with the Loop.
    Obviously you don’t know how to do it, despite your claim.
    This is about the part that you say you want to display the posts.
    Let’s finish with this one and when it works we’ll talk about the sidebar.

    Thread Starter Lindsey


    No, I do understand how WordPress works and what it can do. What I am doing is creating a completely seperate template that does NOT use the archives template (I said that in my post above – who’s not reading carefully now?). It is using a completely different design from the rest of the site. Therefore I want to tell it to display just ONE category & subcats on one portion of the page with the post excerpts, and display the same category and sub-cats on another part with just the links to the categories archive pages.

    I did find in the Advanced Loop section of the codex on how to show/exclude one category using the in_category function.

    I’m just a little confused now on how to use it –

    I think it should be something like this:

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php if ( (in_category('1')) ) { ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
    Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.
    <?php endif; ?>

    OK, this is my last reply:
    (you are over-complicating it)

    Thread Starter Lindsey


    Yeah forget it, I’ll figure it out on my own eventually. Thank you anyway.

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