• an idea-
    Would it be possible to make a sticky post on one of the boards or at the codex? a list consisting of people who provide site maintenance and administration “stuff” services on WP sites for a fee?
    ex- WP installation and set-up, updates, etc.

    I see threads from people offering to pay a fee for this kind of stuff. Sometimes the threads get no response or get a response telling where to find DIY information. Alot of people don’t have time to learn how to DIY or simply don’t have an interest in coding, etc.

    I’m willing to put the list together. Maybe could get a call-out from admin here on the boards asking those who provide these kind of services to send me their name, list of services, and contact information.

    just an idea…. any feedback or ideas welcomed.

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  • The big problem is how to stop it looking like a form of endorsement or how to allow people to edit/retract their information.

    That said, the wiki nature of the codex would be a good way to handle the latter.

    BTW, could you flag this as “not a support question”?

    Thread Starter twoalone


    a note saying “if you provide services of this nature and would like your name added to this list, please send your information to…” should resolve the endorsement issues.

    or a note stating it isn’t an endorsement – only a list of possibilities if you’re seeking assistance with your WP site.

    What stops someone with bad intentions adding themselves to that list ? At least here on the forums someone can check through, see a link to a person’s site, read their replies to posts and from that make a judgement.
    Some issues require ftp access as well as blog access so you need to have trust in whoever you are allowing in.

    I think the best bet is for people just to post here and request help.

    Well I think it would be nice. I’ve gotten quick jobs on sites like craigslist doing little WP things. I think if we set up a website nicely, it could work out. Have a directory of helper people, with links to their personal site, a like to their forum profile (see if they are helpful), an actual profile, way of contacting them, and perhaps ratings given by people who have done work with them….

    Just a thought..

    Thread Starter twoalone


    excellent ideas –
    setting up something like that would be over my head but i’m willing to do/help anything i can to get it off the ground.

    more input anyone?

    regarding bad people adding their names to the list – everyone should do a bit of research before allowing someone access to their site.

    There are such lists. And there are “groups” and “companies” which do offer their services for WordPress work.


    Just to get you started. There are a ton of them. Google ’em. Or ask on the IRC #wordpress FreeNode channel. Lots of them.

    Well, out of all those asking for paid help here and been sent to the wp-pro list… I’ve seen 2 people subscribing there and asking for help.

    I still think a dedicated directory would be worthwhile. The wp-pro mailing list is…a mailing list. I made a mockup in half an hour…this could be fun


    Yeah, go make it happen. I may turn my service over there since giving a free service here is a punishment[1].

    [1]Don’t ask. Don’t argue.

    blogbarter.com doesn’t allow any commercial work to be posted unless they’ve changed their policy. I can’t tell if they’ve changed their policy because their site doesn’t say much except “main() failed opening…” everything it tried to open.

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