An interesting use case…
Not possible with current version, but with a couple of tweaks and a bit of code you can achieve this. Was interested to see if it was possible so I had a play…
First you need to edit the List Pages Shortcode plugin and make these changes:
The following 2 lines of code (appear separately in the code)…
do_action( 'shortcode_list_pages_before' );
do_action( 'shortcode_list_pages_after' );
…need to be changed to:
do_action( 'shortcode_list_pages_before', $atts, $content, $tag );
do_action( 'shortcode_list_pages_after', $atts, $content, $tag );
I will ensure these changes are in the next release of the plugin.
To add support for pages starting with certain letters is more tricky, but i have posted the code here.
It will also you you use the shortcode like this:
[list-pages sort_order="ASC" sort_column="post_title" index="0123456789ABCDEF" title_li="A-F" /]
[list-pages sort_order="ASC" sort_column="post_title" index="FGHIJKLM" title_li="F-M" /]
[list-pages sort_order="ASC" sort_column="post_title" index="NOPQRST" title_li="N-T" /]
[list-pages sort_order="ASC" sort_column="post_title" index="UVWXYZ" title_li="U-Z" /]
Hope that helps ??