Thanks for the quick response!
I made the temporary changes for now to fix things, but the conflict happens here. I changed “selected” to “selectedd” with two d’s:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( function() {
jQuery( 'form#uas_options_form #uas_user_select' ).change( function() {
jQuery( 'form#uas_options_form' ).submit();
} )
} );
jQuery( document ).ready( function () {
jQuery( 'div.submenuinner' ).slideUp( 'fast' ).hide();
//TO-DO: makes these submenu openings persist, save state in cookies?
jQuery( '.submenu' ).click( function() {
inner=jQuery( this ).next( '.submenuinner' );
if ( jQuery( inner ).is( ":hidden" ) ) {
jQuery( inner ).show().slideDown( 'fast' );
jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'unselected' ).addClass( 'selectedd' );
jQuery( this ).children( 'a' ).text( '<?php esc_html_e( 'Hide submenus', 'user_admin_simplifier' )?>' );
} else {
jQuery( inner ).slideUp( 'fast' ).hide();
jQuery( this ).removeClass( 'selectedd' ).addClass( 'unselected' );
jQuery( this ).children( 'a' ).text( '<?php esc_html_e( 'Show submenus', 'user_admin_simplifier' )?>' );
} );
} );
function uas_admin_css() {
<style type="text/css">
.unselected {
background-image:url( <?php echo ( plugins_url( 'images/plus15.png', __FILE__ ) ); ?> );
.selectedd {
background-image:url( <?php echo ( plugins_url( 'images/minus15.png', __FILE__ ) ); ?> );
The plugin the class conflicts with is AMR Users inside each list. However, I tested that if anything else is using a .selected class within it, this class will apply as well to the background. To test, I used chrome and injected a list item randomly within the body with the selected class applied to it, and sure enough it did the same thing.