List Item ID problem
Firstly thanks four your great job. Option tree makes custom admin area development faster and lighter.
And apologize if this topic already exists. I have been looking for the solution but I didn’t find it.I’m using it in theme folder and I had some problems with list items. All of them have a limited number for me. I can add 3 o 4 in each section but when I try to add more it repeats last ID item and overwrite it. (it use to give a big Id number)
I’m using coustom fields for my project. I modified some fields in theme-options.php after add data in admin area. Can it be the problem? How can I solve it?
Thanks for your help!This is the code of my theme-options.php (I only use general_default section i just save miscellaneous as a backup to add new items)
<?php /** * Initialize the options before anything else. */ add_action( 'admin_init', '_custom_theme_options', 1 ); /** * Theme Mode demo code of all the available option types. * * @return void * * @access private * @since 2.0 */ function _custom_theme_options() { /** * Get a copy of the saved settings array. */ $saved_settings = get_option( 'option_tree_settings', array() ); /** * Create a custom settings array that we pass to * the OptionTree Settings API Class. */ $custom_settings = array( 'contextual_help' => array( 'content' => array( array( 'id' => 'general_help', 'title' => 'Carta', 'content' => '<p>Help content goes here!</p>' ) ), 'sidebar' => '<p>Sidebar content goes here!</p>' ), 'sections' => array( array( 'title' => 'Carta', 'id' => 'general_default' ), array( 'title' => 'Miscellaneous ', 'id' => 'miscellaneous' ) ), 'settings' => array( /*TWO ITS*/ array( 'label' => 'TWO ITS', 'id' => 'type01_title', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Nom de secció', 'id' => 'type01_nom', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Nom curt de la secció.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Descipció general', 'id' => 'type01_descr01', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descipció o anotació breu.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Apunt', 'id' => 'type01_descr02', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descripcio o anotacions secundaria.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Elements de la secció', 'id' => 'type01', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Apretar "Add New" per afegir un nou element.<br/>Guardar sempre amb "save changes" un cop fets els canvis.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Preu', 'id' => 'carta_preu', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Preu del producte en euros.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Unitats', 'id' => 'carta_unitats', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Unitats incloses en el producte.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Descripció', 'id' => 'carta_descr', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Descipció del producte (max 3 línies)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '6', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 1', 'id' => 'carta_img1', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Imatge principal del producte', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 2', 'id' => 'carta_img2', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Il?lustració secundaria del producte(opcional)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), /*/TWO ITS*/ /*ITS*/ array( 'label' => 'ITS', 'id' => 'type02_title', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Nom de secció', 'id' => 'type02_nom', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Nom curt de la secció.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Descipció general', 'id' => 'type02_descr01', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descipció o anotació breu.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Apunt', 'id' => 'type02_descr02', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descripcio o anotacions secundaria.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Elements de la secció', 'id' => 'type02', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Apretar "Add New" per afegir un nou element.<br/>Guardar sempre amb "save changes" un cop fets els canvis.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Preu', 'id' => 'carta_preu', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Preu del producte en euros.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Unitats', 'id' => 'carta_unitats', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Unitats incloses en el producte.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Descripció', 'id' => 'carta_descr', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Descipció del producte (max 3 línies)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '6', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 1', 'id' => 'carta_img1', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Imatge principal del producte', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), /*/ITS*/ /*ROLLS*/ array( 'label' => 'ROLLS', 'id' => 'type03_title', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Nom de secció', 'id' => 'type03_nom', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Nom curt de la secció.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Descipció general', 'id' => 'type03_descr01', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descipció o anotació breu.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Apunt', 'id' => 'type03_descr02', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descripcio o anotacions secundaria.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Elements de la secció', 'id' => 'type03', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Apretar "Add New" per afegir un nou element.<br/>Guardar sempre amb "save changes" un cop fets els canvis.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Preu', 'id' => 'carta_preu', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Preu del producte en euros.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Unitats', 'id' => 'carta_unitats', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Unitats incloses en el producte.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Descripció', 'id' => 'carta_descr', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Descipció del producte (max 3 línies)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '6', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 1', 'id' => 'carta_img1', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Imatge principal del producte', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), /*/ROLLS*/ /*SALSES*/ array( 'label' => 'SALSES', 'id' => 'type07_title', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Nom de secció', 'id' => 'type07_nom', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Nom curt de la secció.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Descipció general', 'id' => 'type07_descr01', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descipció o anotació breu.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Apunt', 'id' => 'type07_descr02', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descripcio o anotacions secundaria.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Elements de la secció', 'id' => 'type07', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Apretar "Add New" per afegir un nou element.<br/>Guardar sempre amb "save changes" un cop fets els canvis.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Preu', 'id' => 'carta_preu', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Preu del producte en euros.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Descripció', 'id' => 'carta_descr', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Descipció del producte (max 3 línies)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '6', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 1', 'id' => 'carta_img1', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Imatge principal del producte', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), /*/SALSES*/ /*POSTRES*/ array( 'label' => 'POSTRES', 'id' => 'type05_title', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Nom de secció', 'id' => 'type05_nom', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Nom curt de la secció.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Descipció general', 'id' => 'type05_descr01', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descipció o anotació breu.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Apunt', 'id' => 'type05_descr02', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descripcio o anotacions secundaria.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Elements de la secció', 'id' => 'type05', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Apretar "Add New" per afegir un nou element.<br/>Guardar sempre amb "save changes" un cop fets els canvis.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Descripció', 'id' => 'carta_descr', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Descipció del producte (max 3 línies)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '6', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 1', 'id' => 'carta_img1', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Imatge principal del producte', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), /*/POSTRES*/ /*COMPLEMENTS*/ array( 'label' => 'COMPLEMENTS', 'id' => 'type06_title', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Nom de secció', 'id' => 'type06_nom', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Nom curt de la secció.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Descipció general', 'id' => 'type06_descr01', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descipció o anotació breu.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Apunt', 'id' => 'type06_descr02', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Descripcio o anotacions secundaria.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), array( 'label' => 'Elements de la secció', 'id' => 'type06', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Apretar "Add New" per afegir un nou element.<br/>Guardar sempre amb "save changes" un cop fets els canvis.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Preu', 'id' => 'carta_preu', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Preu del producte en euros.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Unitats', 'id' => 'carta_unitats', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Unitats incloses en el producte.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '1', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Descripció', 'id' => 'carta_descr', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Descipció del producte (max 3 línies)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '6', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 1', 'id' => 'carta_img1', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Imatge principal del producte', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Imatge 2', 'id' => 'carta_img2', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Il?lustració secundaria del producte(opcional)', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'general_default' ), /*/COMPLEMENTS*/ array( 'label' => 'Background', 'id' => 'my_background', 'type' => 'background', 'desc' => 'BlahLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Category Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_category_checkbox', 'type' => 'category-checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Category Select', 'id' => 'my_category_select', 'type' => 'category-select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'choices' => array( array ( 'label' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'Yes' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Colorpicker', 'id' => 'my_colorpicker', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'CSS', 'id' => 'my_css', 'type' => 'css', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '20', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Custom Post Type Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_custom_post_type_checkbox', 'type' => 'custom-post-type-checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Custom Post Type Select', 'id' => 'my_custom_post_type_select', 'type' => 'custom-post-type-select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'List Item', 'id' => 'my_list_item', 'type' => 'list-item', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'settings' => array( array( 'label' => 'Upload', 'id' => 'my_list_item_upload', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Text', 'id' => 'my_list_item_text', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ), array( 'label' => 'Textarea Simple', 'id' => 'my_list_item_textarea_simple', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '10', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '' ) ), 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Measurement', 'id' => 'my_measurement', 'type' => 'measurement', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Page Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_page_checkbox', 'type' => 'page-checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Page Select', 'id' => 'my_page_select', 'type' => 'page-select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Post Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_post_checkbox', 'type' => 'post-checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Post Select', 'id' => 'my_post_select', 'type' => 'post-select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Radio', 'id' => 'my_radio', 'type' => 'radio', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'yes' ), array( 'label' => 'No', 'value' => 'no' ), array( 'label' => 'Maybe', 'value' => 'maybe' ) ), 'std' => 'yes', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Radio Image', 'id' => 'my_radio_image', 'type' => 'radio-image', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => 'right-sidebar', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Select', 'id' => 'my_select', 'type' => 'select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'choices' => array( array( 'label' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'yes' ), array( 'label' => 'No', 'value' => 'no' ), array( 'label' => 'Maybe', 'value' => 'maybe' ) ), 'std' => 'maybe', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Tag Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_tag_checkbox', 'type' => 'tag-checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Tag Select', 'id' => 'my_tag_select', 'type' => 'tag-select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Taxonomy Checkbox', 'id' => 'my_taxonomy_checkbox', 'type' => 'taxonomy-checkbox', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => 'category,post_tag', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Taxonomy Select', 'id' => 'my_taxonomy_select', 'type' => 'taxonomy-select', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => 'category,post_tag', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Text', 'id' => 'my_text', 'type' => 'text', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Textarea', 'id' => 'my_textarea', 'type' => 'textarea', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '15', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Textarea Simple', 'id' => 'my_textarea_simple', 'type' => 'textarea-simple', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '10', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Textblock', 'id' => 'my_textblock', 'type' => 'textblock', 'desc' => '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Textblock Titled', 'id' => 'my_textblock_titled', 'type' => 'textblock-titled', 'desc' => '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Typography', 'id' => 'my_typography', 'type' => 'typography', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ), array( 'label' => 'Upload', 'id' => 'my_upload', 'type' => 'upload', 'desc' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', 'std' => '', 'rows' => '', 'post_type' => '', 'taxonomy' => '', 'class' => '', 'section' => 'miscellaneous' ) ) ); /* allow settings to be filtered before saving */ $custom_settings = apply_filters( 'option_tree_settings_args', $custom_settings ); /* settings are not the same update the DB */ if ( $saved_settings !== $custom_settings ) { update_option( 'option_tree_settings', $custom_settings ); } }
this is the code I inserted in functions.php:
/*option tree__________________________________________________*/ /** * Theme Options */ include_once( 'includes/theme-options.php' ); /** * Optional: set 'ot_show_pages' filter to false. * This will hide the settings & documentation pages. */ add_filter( 'ot_show_pages', '__return_false' ); /** * Optional: set 'ot_show_new_layout' filter to false. * This will hide the "New Layout" section on the Theme Options page. */ add_filter( 'ot_show_new_layout', '__return_false' ); /** * Required: set 'ot_theme_mode' filter to true. */ add_filter( 'ot_theme_mode', '__return_true' ); /** * Required: include OptionTree. */ include_once( 'option-tree/ot-loader.php' ); /*/option tree__________________________________________________*/
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