• webadelic



    I am looking to build a contributor page, which should list each author and the posts they have been added to as an author.

    I cannot seem to find a help function for this within the plugin, is this something I am missing or has it not been done before.



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  • This functionality is implemented in the wordpress core. Search for author templates.


    From the documentation here is how to List Posts By A Co-Author

    List Posts By A Co-Author

    When using Co-Authors Plus, you may want to create a listing of all posts by a given co-author. Co-Authors Plus deviates slightly from how core WordPress works in that it stores byline information in a custom ‘author’ taxonomy. It works in this manner because a post (let it be a Post, Page, or Custom Post Type) can have multiple taxonomy terms associated with it.

    To list some or all posts from a co-author, you’ll want to create a new WP_Query object based on the author term for a given user or guest author. Here’s an example of what that might look like:

    // Build the query arguments
    $args = array(
        'post_type' => 'post',
        'posts_per_page' => 10,
        'post_status' => 'publish',
        'author_name' => $user_login,
    $author_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    if ( $author_query->have_posts() ) :
        while ( $author_query->have_posts() ) : $author_query->the_post();
        // Do your presentation

    Where $user_login should be the user’s slug. In my case:

    $curauth = (isset($_GET['author_name'])) ? get_user_by('slug', $author_name) : get_userdata(intval($author));
    'author_name' => $curauth->user_login,

    THANKS, I’ve been months looking for a solution and this got me on the right path. Thank you a lot.

    Hi all,

    Sorry to hijack this thread, but I’m having a similar issue to this. I tried the code you pasted but it doesn’t seem to display anything now. I am trying to put this in the author.php file (having to setup multiple queries in this template).

    $current_author = (isset($_GET['author_name'])) ? get_user_by('slug', $author_name) : get_userdata(intval($author));
    <?php // Build the query arguments
    					$args = array(
    					    'post_type' => 'post',
    					    'posts_per_page' => 3,
    					    'cat' => 82,
    					    'post_status' => 'publish',
    					    'author_name' => $current_author->user_login,
    				$author_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    				if ( $author_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $author_query->have_posts() ) : $author_query->the_post();
        // Do your presentation
    				<div class="row more-bottom-margin">
    					<div class="column small-12 medium-4">
    						<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'small' ); ?>
    					<div class="column small-12 medium-8 more-bottom-margin">
    						<h3 class="no-top-margin"><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
    						<p><?php the_excerpt(); ?></p>
    						<p><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">Read More</a></p>
    				<?php endwhile; endif; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>

    Right now it’s not displaying anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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