Latex Everything is a plugin written in PHP to generate PDFs using Latex and help you link to them in WordPress themes. It doesn’t attempt to email them. However, the PDFs are just normal PDFs files, so you can do anything you want with them, including attaching them to emails. You’ll have to write your own WordPress plugin in PHP to do the emailing.
See the WordPress documentation for how to write a WordPress plugin.
See this Stack Overflow question for how to attach a PDF to an email in PHP.
To attach a PDF generated by Latex Everything to an email, you’ll need to know its file path. I think you’ll be able to do that with code like this:
get_attached_file(get_latex_attachment_id( $type, $arg1))
for example, to get the filename of the current post while in The Loop:
get_attached_file( get_latex_attachment_id('single_post',
get_the_ID()) )
NB: These code samples have not been tested, so I can’t guarantee they’ll work.
See the documentation for get_attached_file
and the Latex Everything FAQ to find out how the functions I’ve used work.