• Resolved music_man



    On this site: https://www.lynsscrapbooking.co.nz I am trying to make the list so there is no padding.

    I have tried:

    #navigation ul
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    white-space: nowrap;

    #navigation li {display: inline; padding: 0; margin: 0;}

    to no avail.

    And also I have no idea why I have to add 10px to the list td to make it inline with the images.

    I was thinking of giving this theme out but I don’t think people would find it that compatible.

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  • Thread Starter music_man


    Yes but you are seeing the parsed php, as I am sure you are aware.

    Unparsed it looks like this:

    margin: 75px 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-align: center;
    background-image: url(“<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/bgyellow.jpg”);

    #navigation a
    background-image: url(“<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/navbgmid.png”);
    color: white;
    padding: 10px;
    font-family: arial, Sans-Serif;
    font-size: medium;
    text-decoration: none;

    #navigation a:hover
    background-image: url(“<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/navbgmidselectover.png”);
    color: #000;

    width: 90%;
    margin: 0px auto;
    text-align: left;
    background-color: #fff;
    border: 1px dashed #000;
    color: #000;
    background-image: url(‘<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/topleft.jpg’);
    background-position: top left;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    Are you suggesting that I do not need to use the <?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?> code?



    I didn’t look at source, so didn’t realize it was a stupid kubrick problem *sigh*.

    Just take all the style stuff out of the head of your header.php file, and transfer the necessary info to the stylesheet where it belongs and by rights should have been from the word go.

    And now that you’ve got an idea of how you want this to look, you probably can take the nice clean code from either wordpress classic theme (or many of the cleanly coded themes from https://themes.wordpress.net) and patch your incipient theme into it.



    Whoever told you that you need that – was lying ??
    If the bg images are in the /images folder that is under the theme folder, i.e. themes/mytheme/images…
    then in the stylesheet that is in the mytheme folder the link/url for the bg image is only:
    background: #ffedd6 url('images/bgle.gif') repeat-y right;
    (this is a living example of a theme of mine)

    Thread Starter music_man


    I have not used the kubrick theme. I used the kubrick idea of the <?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>.

    I have done this largely from scratch and the classic theme.



    Your code is VERY messy! VERY MESSY! I’ve made a bit of a starting point for you here, this gets rid of the space, you’ll have to go from here as I’m done my cigarette and have no more patience.

    #navigation ul
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

    #navigation li
    padding:10px 10px 10px 10px;
    margin: 0 -2px 0 -2px;
    background-image: url("https://lynsscrapbooking.co.nz/wp-content/themes/scrapbooking/images/navbgmid.png&quot;);

    TABLES ARE BAD! You NEED TO LEARN CSS. Though I hate IE, you can’t blame any of this on it, your page looks exactly the same in FF and IE. The problem is you’re stylesheet is a mess, you are missing things you should have. You should either find another theme, find another theme and modify it or just give up on this excercise in futility.

    Tables where never meant to hold anything more than simple text data, just because they can doesn’t mean they should. The only way to get any kind of consitency and usability in a site is to do it right, it must be valid code and it has to be thought out. Short of hiring someone to do a template for you, you will have to clean it up and learn CSS if you have any hopes of having something functional.

    And don’t be offended, I am being exceptionally restrained compared to some of my other lectures.




    Hey, niziol,
    no need to be “brutal” ??
    Everybody used to be a beginner at some point. That includes even you, I suppose – and me, of course.

    (I am not allowed to smoke in the house and the other day it was minus 39 outside… still trying to be civilized, LOL)

    Thread Starter music_man


    Thank you. I do find it offensive, especially because I am asking for help. I did not once pretend that I could write that horizontal code and I expressed that I did not want to use tables.

    I also understand about tables holding data and about CSS, having used it extensively in other projects.

    Thank you for your code, I will seek to implement it. I do take exception to your calling my code messy in such a vehement manner. I seek to make my code as valid as possible and I use the W3C validator to do this. I have not validated the CSS as of yet and I have tried to keep in the habit of keeping my writing of CSS as I go, valid.

    Thread Starter music_man


    The code niziol has posted works nicely. Thank you for that. I had tried using a negative margin previously but it looked odd. I think having the background picture must be a pivotal thing because it works nicer without this code for #navigation li:

    margin: 0 -2px 0 -2px;

    as now the links are right next to each other.

    Thank you everyone for your help.

    for the record:


    shows I am using valid CSS and I have warnings that are arguably not important and before you start offending other people, validate your own site:





    Moshu: we had -45 C (with the wind) here the other day, not smoker friendly weather!

    I never mean to be ‘mean’ or ‘(exceptionally) brutal’, but I just find on these forums (not this thread in particular), but in general the first thing someone does when something does not do exactly what they want it to, when they want it to is to post something like “HELP END OF THE WORLD….my wordpress site isn’t working! I didn’t bother trying to install it, heck I didn’t even download, but it’s just not working, fix it!” and then 2 minutes later, when no one has answered thier threads, they acuse everyone of not caring.

    We are always beginners in respect to something, it’s just the attitude should be changed from “it doesn’t work, but its not my fault” to one of wanting to understand why and how to fix-it. We all need help at some point or another, but that’s becoming more and more difficult as thread upon thread get filled with garbage!

    But I digress, very off-topic, but there is a point, somewhere in there.

    Music-man: I’m glad your making progress! Once you’ve cleaned it up a bit and figured some things out, it will make much more sense – I always find the “OMG, that’s all it was” feeling very rewarding once I’ve finally figured something out! Don’t be afraid to post back if you’re still having issue after getting the basics done! ??


    Thread Starter music_man


    I am very aware of the basics of CSS and I do not consider myself a beginner. I was baffled as to why I had this problem and after analysing my code and finding nothing outright wrong I decided to consult the forum.

    I do adhere to website standards and I think that should you peruse previous posts, you may realise that I was indeed trying to find out a way to fix this problem.

    I have no need to post under this topic again as my problem has been solved.

    Thank you once again for your help.



    [Hmm. The lesson here is probably “re-read what one has written at least twice before one posts it”.]

    music_man: once you have the site looking the way you want and acting the way you expect, THEN is when you validate – before going live with it. Sometimes, ’tis true, validation can help one discover some errors which may make a thorny “look” problem better. Generally however, that only works well when it’s a major difference between the way your site looks in real browsers as compared with IE.

    Thread Starter music_man


    The site was not acting the way I wanted it – so by your reasoning I should not have validated it. I know that the navigation does not look good in Safari and I am not sure about Firefox – as I am on a university computer at present and we only have IE 6 – with all its problems.



    Yeah, that’s a problem around the world with uni setups I think.

    *shrug* I never validate until stuff’s working the way it’s supposed to. But then, I’m never live with anything at that state either – I develop on XAMPP locally. And I don’t bother with validation until stuff is pretty solid unless I have an inkling that there’s REALLY something out of whack. Which is why you won’t generally see me telling someone in development stages that they have a bazillion validation errors.

    Now if you post “it’s done!”, yeah, you’d better have a valid site….

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