• Hi all. This is my site: https://allstarrbookkeeping.com/

    I am having a problem with links on posts. When you come to the page, the latest blog posting, “This may help you.” is supposed to be a link. While I’m in WP, editing, it shows as a link, with the url. However, when I look at it on the web, it’s just text.

    It’s this way in both Chromium and Firefox.

    However, just as a sort of random experiment, I put the url at the bottom of a page, instead of a post: https://allstarrbookkeeping.com/contact/ It works fine.

    I’ve used the WP app on a different host–I’m currently using 1and1.com–and did not have that problem; I may have been using a version before 4.7.1, in that other case.


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  • “This may help you.” is supposed to be a link. While I’m in WP, editing, it shows as a link, with the url. However, when I look at it on the web, it’s just text.

    Are you using the text editor to apply the correct formatting?

    Thread Starter Eddie


    It doesn’t matter if it’s the regular editor, or text editor. I highlight the text, and create the link. I’ve looked at it in the text editor format, and it has the proper html for a link. But it won’t appear on the site.

    try using the text-editor instead of a visual editor. To make a hyperlink in HTML… try this:
    Link text goes here
    Replace <b>URL_Goes_Here</b> with a desired URL on your post. the <b>href</b> tag is important to make a link work. If you were having trouble with a visual editor; try using the HTML editor instead.

    Thread Starter Eddie


    I’m using the text/html editor, and the url looks fine. This is the html:

    This may help you.

    I know that the Link Text is the html format for links, and that the is the open tag, and closes it. However, in both the visual, as well as the text/html editor, the link works fine. The above html is how the link looks, in the editors.

    So, I went into the html code for the blog post [Ctrl+U], and This may help you. is NOT there.

    Ok, now THIS is weird. After saving it, there’s the Permalink at the top of the page, that allows one to view the post. It shows the link. https://allstarrbookkeeping.com/wurk-raises-1-million-help-cannabis-companies-manage-people/

    HOWEVER, on https://allstarrbookkeeping.com/ it does not. Is this because, with the theme I have, on the home page, it only shows summaries of my posts, and that one must have a certain amount of text, for the “read more” option to show up, and then the link will appear on the post itself, as opposed to the “summary page?”

    Thread Starter Eddie


    Well, that appears to be what the problem is.

    I copy-pasted some information from the article I was looking at, to have enough text to create the “read more.” The link from the article was within the first few sentences, but did NOT show up in the “summary.” However, when I clicked “read more,” not only did their link show up, but my link worked, as well!

    I had never come across this, before! I also had never made a blog post that was just the title of the post, about how a company gives $1M to help an industry, and telling others in the industry to read the article. Apparently, when making blog posts, a certain word count is needed. Very…odd? Interesting? Well, I’m glad to have solved that issue. TY for those who contributed!


    Did anything what I posted on this forum solved your problem?
    Let me know if you still need help!

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