Hi Ajay
As you might surmise I am a novice when it comes to things like “class names” etc.
What do you mean by “check what the image being pulled is”? Do you mean the type of image – a jpg or png file? In general almost all image files on the site are jpg. But I see the broken image is happening to png’s as well as jpg’s.
How do I find the class names?
I don’t know the process to find what class names the plugin is adding. Can you clarify how I pull those?
I tried inspector:
Using Chrome on the Nov. 29 2021 story where the CRP shows two of the images but does not show up for “Remembering AC/DCs Bon Scott” which is a png image, This is what I got when I right clicked and hit inspector:
<img loading="lazy" width="182" height="137" src="https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/vlcsnap-2015-02-10-17h57m37s136.png" class="crp_thumb crp_firstcorrect" alt="Remembering AC/DC's Bon Scott" title="Remembering AC/DC's Bon Scott" srcset="https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/vlcsnap-2015-02-10-17h57m37s136.png 720w, https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/vlcsnap-2015-02-10-17h57m37s136-300x225.png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 182px) 100vw, 182px">
For Internet Explorer where the image for Remembering AC/Dc’s Bon Scott DOES work this is what inspector says: (and by the way the images display on my iphone in firefox and safari but not on the computer in firefox etc. ),
<img width="182" height="137" title="Remembering AC/DC's Bon Scott" class="crp_thumb crp_firstcorrect" alt="Remembering AC/DC's Bon Scott" src="https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/vlcsnap-2015-02-10-17h57m37s136.png" sizes="(max-width: 182px) 100vw, 182px" srcset="https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/vlcsnap-2015-02-10-17h57m37s136.png 720w, https://stuffnobodycaresabout.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/vlcsnap-2015-02-10-17h57m37s136-300x225.png 300w" loading="lazy">
If you give me details on how to do what you are looking for I will do it.
Thanks again.