OK, I will use that method to get back in. But here’s what I really need to know. This is something that I have struggled with for years, with every wordpress site I’ve ever made.
I have one big website, quintessentialpublications.com, through hostgator, where I can install limitless versions of wordpress to an infinite number of directories.
What I want to do, since I am paying monthly for this site each month, is to install all my other smaller websites on it as well. Most of them are wordpress sites. And what I want to do is have the URLs of the other sites visible, but the content is parked on quintessentialpublications.com.
So like with Dr Stranger, what I initially wanted was to install a wordpress for it on quintessentialpublications.com, but I want it to show up as drstranger.com. Ideally, without masking, because then I can’t have permalinks show up as drstranger.com/whatever.
Assuming I am starting from scratch with this website again, how can I set it up so that it works this way? I assume it is possible but I have never been able to figure it out and have always had to settle on some unideal compromise solution.
Thank you in advance for your help.