]]>the item at the end Miscellaneous Personal Attunements
has this been added manually in the page Personal Attunements?
if so, the link is incorrect
it should be
as it sits under
if I’ve misunderstod, can you expand a little more?
]]>Parent page leads to child page leads to ‘article’ page. Does altering the content on any of those pages change their url? In other words, the url should always go to that page, no matter how I alter the page.
Sorry to be so dim, but you can understand my reluctance to start messing with things, until I understand how it really works. I obviously didn’t understand in the first place, or it wouldn’t be this big of a mess!
]]>changing the title would / could but depends on how you’ve set up your permalinks
usually, the post / page title will create the last part of any URL, if there is a parent the parent is part of the path.
if you change the parent, it should’nt make any difference to the children as WordPress should automatically recognize the change
the only links that you need to be wary of are the ones you may have added manually.
this article may help:–cms-27090
the middle bit seems the best explanation
I’ve never figured out how to make a link to a category. Is it that simple?
Thanks for your help. And guidance to tutorials.
]]>if you had a page or post with an identical title (from which it has used its slug crop-circles) then it would automatically add -1 to the end and would continue in increments for each page or post with the exact same title, for example crop-circles-1, crop-circles-2 and so on
the other crop-circles in the URL is actually a category which is distinct and does not conflict with page or post with the same name
so you don’t have two pages or posts with the same slug but one page or post and one category
The below link explains about linking to categories