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  • But how do I turn this feature off?
    Ino ther word, I don’t want the “Last updated” text to show up in my tooltip. Simply removing the date string from the link manager doesn’t help.

    If you are using 0.72 beta, you can turn it off in the admin (and use wp_get_links() in your template.
    Or if you are using an earlier version or using get_links(), set parameter 10 to 0.

    I am using 0.72 beta, but I couldn’t find this amongst the admin settings.
    There’s just a text input field (links_updated_date_format) that allows you to set the date and time string. Unless you are suggesting to turn it off on a per link basis? I know this is possible, but I’d prefer to be able to turn it off for all links through the admin interface, for convenience (admin) and consistency (visitor) reasons. Or I am missing something here?
    However, setting parameter 10 to 0 on get_links worked fine!

    Hi Lars,
    Assuming you are using wp_get_links(), you need to got to manage links -> manage link categories. There you can configure all the category parameters. It’s the equivalent of all those parameters, but you don’t need to edit your template to make a change.
    It’s probably worth swapping over to the new method, get_links() will eventually be deprecated and then probably removed.

    Ah, found it! Seems I just didn’t scroll all the way down on that page.

    Is wp_get_links() still under development? I tried it and found that, try as I might, I could only get it to output my lists as

    • with a line return in between. Not flexible enough for those of us who don’t want list items cluttering up a sidebar. So I’m back to using get_links() instead, because I can manually set the trailing and preceding container tags (in this case, the preceding container is ” or blank and the trailing is <br/>).
      Are there plans to incorporate a more flexible feature set into wp_get_links before deprecating get_links()?

    wp_get_links() is complete! You can specify the before, after, and between text inthe admin system under manage links -> manage link categories
    See this screenshot:
    wp_get_links() picks up the settings from the database and uses those settings for each link.

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