Did you add filters in your functions.php to enable related sites and to identify the old domain that needs converted to the new domain? You should have the following:
// enable related sites feature for existing content
add_filter( 'of_absolute_relative_urls_enable_related_sites_existing_content', function() { return true; } );
// add a related site using 'wordpress url'
add_filter( 'of_absolute_relative_urls_related_sites',
function( $related_sites ) {
$related_sites[]['wpurl'] = "https://savedrive.com.ua";
return $related_sites;
For clarity, the plugin will only save links as relative when you save content. It will convert https://savedrive.com.ua to https://savedrive.ua indefinitely when viewed as long as you have the filters/functions shown above in functions.php.
To update your content in the database, open each post while the above filters are running and then save the post. The URLs will be converted to your current URL when the post is opened, then converted to a relative URL when saved. If you do this for each affected post, then you can delete the above filters as they will no longer be needed.
Hope this helps,
Andrew P.