Links doesn’t work
We have a problem with the links from the Google calendar.
We got links like these:[email protected] but we want that the mailto: opens or the link correct opens.Kind regards,
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
I spent quite some time on this JUST in case it was something the plugin had to change, but it’s not.
Next time please provide the ics url being used directly – This is the single most useful piece of information you could provide so that I can see the input data amd try recreate your problem. Luckily I noticed you had the links in the widgets on the side. (more on those below)
Also next time please say exactly which event and date you were referring to.
Luckily for you I also don’t like the idea of a bug and was persistent enough to work out which as many of the events were coping ok with the html in them.Note: html is not officially allowed in DESCRIPTIONS in the RFC5545 spec (suppopsed to use ALTREP) and will give variable results. for example if reimported into google, the line breaks are all over the place and from my iphone – see the < br
The plugin passes the event description through wordpress function ‘make_clickable’. Somehow the html in the descriptions has managed to ‘break’ that function for the event on 15th November. Other events with mailto’s appear to be fine. Because of wp’s “make clickable”, one doesn’t actually need to force html links into the descriptions to have http urls be clickable.
One can sometimes get away with some html, but in this case that particular event does not even have very good html. Note that <font> is obsolete and use should be discouraged. Try removing as much of that html as possible, keep the text clean, and that should fix it. Or you could work out what the make_clickable bug is and log that on wp trac.
The event in the ics file:
BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181115T170000Z DTEND:20181115T190000Z DTSTAMP:20180821T002628Z UID:[email protected] CREATED:20180807T090256Z DESCRIPTION:<br><br><font color="#000000"><span>Die Veranstaltungsreihe ?St yrian Marketplace“ ist ein Pr?sentationsforum fürFachgruppenmitglieder. Mit Schwerpunkt IT werden dabei innovative steirische Produkteund Dienstleistu ngen unserer Mitglieder\, den interessiertenFachgruppenmitgliedern pr?senti ert.</span><span><font face="Times New Roman"> </font></span></font><br><fo nt color="#000000"><span><br></span></font><font color="#000000"><span>Für diePr?sentationen sind jeweils 15 Minuten vorgesehen und maximal 3 Pr?senta tionenpro Veranstaltung. Im Anschluss an die Statements besteht die M?glich keit zurvertiefenden Information und zu Kontaktgespr?chen bei ?Würstel & \; Bier“. </span></font><br><font color="#000000"><span></span></font><br>< font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"></font><br><span><font color="#000000"><span><font color="#000000">Sollten auch Sie Interesse hab en\, Ihr steirisches IT-Produkt zu pr?sentieren\, wendenSie sich per E-Mail mit Ihrer Produktbeschreibung an Ihre FachgruppeUBIt unter <a href="mailto :[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a>.</font></span ></font></span><br><span><font color="#000000"><span><font color="#000000"> <br><a href="" targ et="_blank">Ich m?chte mich als Veranstaltungsteilnehmer anmelden!</a></fon t></span></font></span> LAST-MODIFIED:20180816T090850Z LOCATION:WKO Steiermark\, K?rblergasse 111-113\, 8010 Graz\, ?sterreich SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Styrian Marketplace TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT
NOTE ON WIDGET LINKS. Suggest you test all of these in various scenarios and devices.
The sites ‘Google calendar’ subscribe link does not work. I use google and wanted to see what it did with the html (some apps just through all the html tags away) I was able to add the calendar without the webcal (use https) . Webcal is unofficial and not necessary. While I appreciate that the idea of the webcal protocol is to get people to subscribe, it is not foolproof (not used everywhere) and may end up confusing. When testing back & forth and trying to refetch the ics file with one of the other links, my windows 10 does not know about webcal as default so it just spews and says choose application etc. As far as I’m aware there is no foolproof way to force people to subscribe to calendars rather than importing, which is why this plugin goes with the one ics url as per RFC5545. You could offer links to the various apps help pages on how to subscribe/add to calendars rather.Good Luck!
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
anmari. Reason: misspelling and add code tags
Hy Anmari!
Thanks for your promt reply!
I must apologize that I probably did not express myself correctly.
Please have a look on the Event on Saturday 08.09 – EPU Erfolgstag 2018, there is a link in the event “”, so when you click there you get –>
We’ve had a look on it where the problem came from, we see that when we add the URL and save there is no problem, the Link works, but when klick on edit the link and save and don’t change anything there they crash the link and cannot resolve the ‘:’. This is also when we set an linktext there.
Kind regards,
Hi, I’ve looked at your file again and my answer above is still relevant. I spent time comparing your events and it seems to me that the events that
- Do not have < a href are ok
- have < a href and no target=”_blank” or br tags are also OK
- the problems ones are the ones that have target=_blank, < br tags and a full < a href
I did a test myself (created and went back & edited) and google by default does NOT appear to add the a href or the br tags. Therefore it is somehow being created by the way you are maintaining the events, perhaps pasting content?
My test event:
CREATED:20180821T105819Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nthis is a test\n\nIm spacing it out \n\n\n LAST-MODIFIED:20180821T105819Z
This is the event you mentioned in your ics file:
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180908 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180909 DTSTAMP:20180821T110640Z UID:[email protected] CREATED:20180807T090132Z DESCRIPTION:<br>Ein-Personen-Unternehmen sind oft auf sich alleine gestellt – obwohl sie die gr??te Gruppe von Unterneh merInnen im Land bilden. Der EPU Erfolgstag steht ganz im Zeichen der steirischen EPU und liefert im Kompaktformat wese ntliche Inputs für Ihre Unternehmerkarriere. Spannende Vortr?ge\, mitrei?ende Redner\, praktische Workshops und wertvolle Beratungen – und das alles zum Nulltarif. <br><br>N?here Informationen zum Programm finden Sie auf <a href="https://ww" target="_blank"></a><br><br>Die Teilnahm e ist limitiert\, melden Sie sich jetzt online an - <a href="https://www.erf" target="_blank"></a>
To summarise:
- html in ics DESCRIPTION is not standard. How it appears in other apps is HIGHLY variable, thus not a good idea. see the images linked above.
- google does not by default create the html that is ending up in your ics file.
- Because HTML not allowed for in ics DESCRIPTION, the plugin uses wp make_clickable so that links are clickable SOI a href is not needed. I will not be changing that.
Note my own amr events plugin handles any html in the event post as suggested by RFC5545 and would get around this funny for you. You could add html and the feed would be clean.
DESCRIPTION;ALTREP=" t/":This is a test\n\n\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:This is a test\n\n\n\n<a href="https://anmari.c om" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>
So your options as I see it are:
- Remove the html from the events – maybe cut and paste from a text editor AND then open the updated ics file in a text editor like notepad++ to double check that there is no bad html.
- Use amr-events plugin to create events in wordpress
- Not really a serious option: Research whether there’s a bug in make_clickable and if so, report to wp
- use another event listing plugin that doesn’t use ‘make_clickable’
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
anmari. Reason: un html'ed the html
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
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