Hello, good time, I hope you have a good day. I have a problem that I would like you to help me with
In Google it shows me this error{ Links do not have a discernible name}and I want to use a cs code but I don’t know where to use this cs code in wordpress theme if you can help or in future updates you will solve this problem <a href={https://${ this.props.info }} aria-label={${ this.props.name }`} target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>
<i className=”fa fa-circle fa-stack-2x”></i>
<i className={ fa fa-${ this.props.icon } fa-stack-1x fa-inverse }></i>
that warning is because the link did not have an ‘aria-label’ attribute. gutenverse will solve that problem in a future update. but if you need to solve it immediately, you can add a script tag inside of a custom html block. here is how you can do it:
find the links
if you already know which link needed to have an aria-label, that’s great! but if you don’t, then follow this step. in your site view, right-click on the element you think is a link or if you do not have any guesses, right-click anywhere. you will find an option pop-up and then look for the inspect/inspect element option.
if you are correct to do it on a link you will find tag <a> on the element structure, and if you hover or click that element the view in the site will be highlighted. if not, do command/ctrl + f and type ‘<a’ on the element structure to look for the link. keep selecting until you find the correct link.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const link = document.querySelectorAll('a.[example-class]');
link.setAttribute('aria-label', '[Description of the link]');
don’t worry because the custom html block won’t be displayed in the frontend. now all you need to do is copy the code and paste it on your custom HTML block. change the [example-class] to your link class that you found before then add any description to that link as aria label. if you had more than one link, just copy the two line of code and add it to the bottom of previous code.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const link = document.querySelectorAll('a.[example-class-1]');
link.setAttribute('aria-label', '[Description of the link]');
const link = document.querySelectorAll('a.[example-class-2]');
link.setAttribute('aria-label', '[Description of the link]');
const link = document.querySelectorAll('a.[example-class-3]');
link.setAttribute('aria-label', '[Description of the link]');
hi, these codes solve the problem of the link as much as possible, but I found the main problem, this problem is here
social share`div.guten-column-wrapper > div.guten-element > div#guten-pE4WKR > a
<a target=”_blank” href=”//api.whatsapp.com/send