Links changed to wp-content/uploads
{Moderators: I posted a similar question?in the Plugins and Hacks/WP Super Cache section. Since I have thus created?(nearly) duplicate posts, please delete the other post, not this one. Thanks!}
Problem: External links changed (converted) to such that they now link?to my site’s wp-content/uploads folder.
I am flummoxed as to what could have caused this problem. I have searched, Google, and Bing, and I cannot find anything about this vexation.
Here is an example:
On this page of my site:
At the bottom of the post, in?footnote 3:
3. I recognize the mind-body dualism implied by using the terms medical (physical) disorders vs. mental disorders. I am using these admittedly awkward terms for ease of reading, and because that is how the VA categorizes them.
The phrase ‘mind-body dualism’ originally linked to:
But it now links to:’’
which does not exist.
This seems to have happened to every external link on my site, although sometimes the link kinda-sorta works in the sense that the wanted web page appears, albeit sometimes distorted (not rendered properly), and still located in my ‘wp-contents/uploads’ folder.
For example, on the same page of my site [], under the subheading “Review of the Empirical Literature”, in the first sentence of the last paragraph:
When one conducts a literature review regarding the relationship between PTSD and bipolar disorders, one finds no empirical evidence that PTSD causes bipolar disorders.
the phrase, the relationship between PTSD and bipolar disorders, originally linked to a search results page on, but it now links to:
which displays a (somewhat distorted) version of the desired PubMed search results page.
If have any idea of what could have caused this to happen, please let me know!
Many thanks,
—<strong>What I've done so far </strong>(based on recommendations?from <a href=""> READ THIS FIRST - WordPress 4.5 Master List</a>) <ul> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>Flushed?browser cache</strong> (Chrome).</li> <li><strong>WP Super Cache</strong> - deleted all caches.</li> <li><strong>Using Your Browser to Diagnose JavaScript Errors</strong> -</li> </ul> <ul> <li><em>Step 1: Try Another Browser</em> (To make sure that this is a JavaScript error, and not a browser error, first of all try opening your site in another browser.) -?I usually use Chrome or Opera, but I also checked the site in Firefox and IE?too. Same error.</li> <li><em>Step 2: Enable SCRIPT_DEBUG</em> - Problem?persists.</li> </ul> <li><strong>Deactivate all plugins</strong> - Problem persists.</li> <li><strong>Switch to the Twenty Sixteen theme</strong> to rule out any theme-specific problems - Problem persists.</li> <strong>Recommended but not done yet</strong> <ul> <li>If your host provider has a "Purge Varnish" option or if you can ask your provider to<strong> flush memcache</strong> on your server. - I could not figure out how to do this myself, so I have a support ticket into GoDaddy.</li> <li><strong>Manual upgrade of WordPress</strong> - I doubt WordPress is the problem, but if someone thinks it's really important to do this, I will. Note that the problem developed long after I upgraded to 4.5.2</li> </ul>
JBST – Version 2.1.0 (unfortunately abandoned by the author)ACTIVE PLUGINS
Akismet – Version 3.1.11
All In One SEO Pack Pro – Version
CommentLuv Premium – Version
Disable Emojis – Version 1.5.1
EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud – Version 2.8.3
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP – Version
JCH Optimize – Version 2.0.6
Nofollow Case by Case – Version 1.5.6
Options Framework – Version 1.8.5
Simple Share Buttons Plus – Version 1.1.5
TinyMCE Advanced – Version
Wordfence Security – Version 6.1.8
WP Super Cache – Version 1.4.8DEACTIVATED PLUGIN
Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget – Version 3.3.3SERVER
Linux?Virtual Private Server
OS: CentOS 6 + cPanel
PHP version: native (5.4)
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