• I have recently started a blog (www.lookatmyhomes.wordpress.com) and would like to be able to post comments to other blogs and include a link back to specific blog posts on my site. However, I do not see an option where I can have a specific url for specific posts. I see in an older, closed link that this may be because me blog is “custom,” but I’m not sure what that means. Where do I find out whether I’m “custom” or not? Would this be easy to shut off?

    When you go to my blog, you can see multiple posts to scroll down through. But each individual post does not have anything I can link to. How do I set things up so that each post has a link?

    I’m completely ignorant to coding, etc. so you’ll have to “type slow and loud” or I won’t understand. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

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