• Under Follow Widget, the first LinkedIn icon set, generates the URL with an added “/in” in it. LinkedIn returns a “can’t find match” page so this doesn’t work and there’s no way to override the generated URL. I imagine LinkedIn used to have this “/in” in their URLs at one point, but they don’t anymore and this plugin’s LinkedIn icon won’t work until that’s removed.

    The fix is easy. In fact, you just remove it from line 39 of button.linkedin.php in includes>buttons. I just can’t have to do this every time there’s an update. If I were savvy on getting involved and helping out on projects like this, I would dive in and commit a change to your repository to help out. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to train myself on that yet.

    Other than that this plugin is great (although you might consider testing all of the generated URLs), so it’d be nice to have that fixed.


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  • Thanks for posting this. It saved me the trouble of having to sift through their code.

    I agree, a great plugin.

    Thanks for the pointer to fix the code. This has been a problem since day one. My personal LinkedIn profile has the “/in” but many others I know of do not.

    I’d like to see the option to input the entire URL rather than making assumptions about part of it. I know it’s supposed to make it easier for the amateurs, but really, how hard is it to copy and paste a URL?

    Thread Starter Joe Rhoney


    You’re welcome @rickactivemd! I agree @sawyerjw. In fact, in most cases that would be easier than only copying the specific part of the URL that this plug-in currently requires.

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