• Resolved chimac



    If it helps to buy the AutoSocial to fix this problem I would be happy to. You fixed my problem in the past, and I want to support this development.

    First the last two days LinkedIn has sent the plugin a message that says Error 401 the token used in this request has been revoked by the user. I didn’t revoke anything, and since this is the second day that this is happening that is why I am reaching out to you.

    Thank you for your help.

    Brian Povlsen

    PHP Version: 8.3.11
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    • {“time”:”2024-10-22 12:35:43″,”plugin_version”:”8.15″,”sharing_to”:”PROFILE”,”featured_image”:true,”featured_image_url”:”https://chimac.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/job-interview-comic.webp”,”upload_initialisation_status”:200,”upload_status”:201,”post_url”:”https://api.linkedin.com/rest/posts”,”status”:201,”body”:”{“commentary”:”Sometimes I wonder if I am in the wrong jobrnToday for example, I wondered if I am in the wrong job. I love moving furniture around and getting ideas. Why did I do this? Simple. With the heat from the pipe that I canu2019t control, I needed to get more air circulation in my office/living room. Now I have moved things around I have more air and it feels fantastic. I should have done this sooner. Growing up I was always fascinated by architecture and art. I liked how things could be designed and I thought that making an environment beautiful would help people be happy. It is true. \[u2026\]”,”visibility”:”PUBLIC”,”distribution”:{“thirdPartyDistributionChannels”:[],”targetEntities”:[],”feedDistribution”:”MAIN_FEED”},”lifecycleState”:”PUBLISHED”,”isReshareDisabledByAuthor”:false,”author”:”urn:li:person:sk8_oZY6mB”,”content”:{“article”:{“source”:”https://chimac.net/sometimes-i-wonder-if-i-am-in-the-wrong-job/”,”title”:”Sometimes I wonder if I am in the wrong job”,”thumbnail”:”urn:li:image:D4D10AQEYoPtRTntziw”}}}”,”access_token_length”:350}
    • {“time”:”2024-10-22 09:54:49″,”plugin_version”:”8.15″,”sharing_to”:”COMPANY”,”featured_image”:true,”featured_image_url”:”https://chimac.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/projector-comic-gingerbread.jpg”,”upload_initialisation_status”:200,”upload_status”:201,”post_url”:”https://api.linkedin.com/rest/posts”,”status”:201,”body”:”{“commentary”:”Projector wouldnu2019t respond this morningrnI went to turn on the Projector this morning and it wouldnu2019t respond. Even though it showed the power was on, it wasnu2019t responding to the remote. Thinking perhaps the batteries are dead I tried to push the button on the unit and no response. Now this is much more interesting problem. Since the unit has a built in power battery I canu2019t just reset it by pulling the power adapter. I did pull the power adapter anyway, and held down the power button for 10 seconds hoping it would turn off but it didnu2019t. This is a basic power \[u2026\]”,”visibility”:”PUBLIC”,”distribution”:{“thirdPartyDistributionChannels”:[],”targetEntities”:[],”feedDistribution”:”MAIN_FEED”},”lifecycleState”:”PUBLISHED”,”isReshareDisabledByAuthor”:false,”author”:”urn:li:organization:64749800″,”content”:{“article”:{“source”:”https://chimac.net/projector-wouldnt-respond-this-morning/”,”title”:”Projector wouldnu2019t respond this morning”,”thumbnail”:”urn:li:image:D4E10AQFtxAKpe7920g”}}}”,”access_token_length”:350}
Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Hi @chimac,

    Thanks for your enquiry. I am not able to repeat any issues on my end. Are you trying to connect with a company and they have many users or connecting on behalf of someone else?

    From what I have found online, the solution is to re-authenticate – I realise that’s what you have been doing but that’s just what I am seeing. Another possibility is you have a plugin which might be automatically deleting transients. Sometimes speed optimisation or database cleaning plugins do this.

    I am sorry I can’t be more helpful, I just haven’t seen this error before.


    Thread Starter chimac


    Thank you for your response.

    I will try troubleshooting at the plugin level. I will let you know if I discover anything.


    Thread Starter chimac


    I disabled a plugin called Automatic featured images from Youtube/Vimeo since it was the only plugin that interacted with LinkedIn but I am not sure that solved it.

    I looked in the permitted applications and strangely even though I had approved it, it wasn’t in the list. However after disabling that plugin I was able to connect and not have an error and the app shows as having permission as an allowed app in LinkedIn. Time will tell and I will update you if anything changes.

    I just posted something and it worked perfectly with that plugin disabled.


    Thread Starter chimac


    I’m sorry I forgot to answer your questions. This is my personal site, but because of the way that LinkedIn used to work with posting plugins I setup the business/company side so that I could autopost with other plugins.

    I am only using my personal WordPress account with my LinkedIn profile which also has a business aspect. I guess I should try to simplify this by seeing if I can delete the business/company part. I will look into that as well.


    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Ok so it might be interference with that other plugin maybe? Let me know how you go.

    Thread Starter chimac


    I have been testing it everyday and since disabling that plugin it has worked perfectly. Today I enabled the plugin and it still continues to work. As a side note I suspect that there may have something happening with that plugin since for the last two weeks it seems to duplicate the image in the media library. It wasn’t a priority so I didn’t troubleshoot it. Now it is only showing one image in the image library with that other plugin, so perhaps that was the cause.

    Oh I forgot to mention that I deleted my company page so that may have contributed to the issue. Since it had to post at two different places, and LinkedIn often has funny glitches perhaps this confused that other plugin. This is just wild speculation. I don’t have hard evidence.

    No matter I feel confident about this solution. If it bothers me again I will disable this plugin and stop using it. Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by chimac.
    Plugin Author Northern Beaches Websites


    Fantastic to hear, and thanks for that information ??

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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