Hi @igwebs,
Thank you for your time, we do appreciate it.
Yes, as @willjoci mentioned, WP Live Chat Support does support this behaviour.
You would need to create the ‘Chat with us’ button on your web page, and give it a unique CSS class. You can learn more about this here: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_class.asp
Once you have your button in place you can then use the ‘Open Chat via’ tool within WP Live Chat Support to set up the trigger which will open the chat box.
This can be found under Live Chat -> Settings -> General Settings (Tab) -> Where the tool is labelled with ‘Open chat window via’.
As an example, if your custom button had the class ‘chat_open’ you could simply set the ‘Open chat window via’ option as follows:
– ‘Click’ element with ‘Class’ ‘chat_open’
I hope this helps. Should you require more guidance, please reach out to us here: https://wp-livechat.com/contact-us/ – As this would allow us to share various screenshots to assist further.