The AMP version of that URL is
I can indeed see there is a validation error:
For some reason, the noscript
contains a second noscript
inside of it, which is not valid:
<amp-img width="750" height="358" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image amp-wp-enforced-sizes" alt="Aerosmith Banner" srcset=" 950w, 300w, 768w" layout="intrinsic">
<img width="750" height="358" alt="Aerosmith Banner" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px" data-src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image lazyload" src="">
<img width="750" height="358" src="" class="attachment-large size-large wp-post-image" alt="Aerosmith Banner" sizes="(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px">
@lbrincat The issue appears to be related to a image lazyload plugin you are using. What are you using?