• Resolved IreneLinda



    Wow! Am delighted with this Thickbox replacement plugin! I’m minimally technical and this seems SO simple to use, thanks to your helpful code examples!


    Thought I had everything working beautifully, but the course didn’t open. On image click, I got a screen that started great with a lovely frame, but ended with this message:
    “This content failed to load.”

    Here is the code I used:
    [wp_colorbox_media url="https://www.mygoforthegreen.com/practice-preview/course/course126288.html" type="image" hyperlink="https://www.mygoforthegreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Practice-9-Skills.jpg"]

    It’s on a test page here:

    Checked earlier post (Opening html page) hoping it would solve my issue, but it was a little different. It gave me hope, however, I could get mine to work.:)

    Any suggestions/help greatly appreciated…and thanks for this great plugin!


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  • Plugin Author Noor Alam


    Hi, Try changing the shortcode to the following:

    [wp_colorbox_media url="https://www.mygoforthegreen.com/practice-preview/course/course126288.html" type="iframe" hyperlink="https://www.mygoforthegreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Practice-9-Skills.jpg"]

    Thread Starter IreneLinda


    Thanks very much for getting back to me and for the shortcode. Tried it just now, but with unusual result. It opened in a tiny window and it is our blog page, not the course.

    Here’s link so you can see what it looks like:

    I also left the non-Colorbox result below it. As you can see, the issue is the launch page opening as well as the course. If I don’t use “launch.html” but “coursexxx.html”, the course opens on a separate web page, spread all across the screen.

    Any further suggestions? Could Colorbox be conflicting with my Inbound Now landing page plugin? If so, not sure how I proceed. I’m also conscious of taking up too much of your time! Sorry I’m not more technically proficient!


    Thread Starter IreneLinda


    Update: couldn’t get the short code to work so went to the elearning software supplier I used. He gave me some Java script to insert into my html and it worked perfectly.

    Thanks for trying to help. If you’d like me to post the code, just let me know.


    Plugin Author Noor Alam


    Do you still have the page with my shortcode? Feel free to post the HTML code that you received from the e-learning software.

    Thread Starter IreneLinda


    I think I deleted the page with your shortcode attempts. If it will help in your plugin development, I’m happy to recreate it for you. Just let me know.

    Here’s the code he had me paste in above my course image link:

    var courseEntry = 'https://www.mygoforthegreen.com/media/practice-preview/course/course126288.html';
    function launchCourse()
      window.open(courseEntry + window.location.search,'Course','scrollbars=no,toolbar=0,menubar=0,statusbar=0,resizable=yes,width=1000,height=800,left=10,top=10').focus();

    He had me paste that above image source and add this code in front of the image tag:
    <a href="javascript:launchCourse()">

    Please let me know if this isn’t clear.


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