I managed to find a clue in a previous answer and replaced the message when logged in as follows:
add_filter('wppb_login_message', 'fp_change_login_message', 10, 3);
function fp_change_login_message($logged_in_message, $user_id, $display_name){
$newmsg = "You are logged in as " . $display_name . "<br>";
$newmsg = $newmsg . "<a href='https://forestpathology.org/wp-login.php?action=logout&redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fforestpathology.org'>Log Out</a>";
$newmsg = $newmsg . " | " . "<a href='https://forestpathology.org/edit-profile/'>Edit Profile</a>";
return $newmsg;
That’s working surprisingly well, except the $display_name is not showing as the selected display name, it is the user name. The correct display name shows in the back end and in Profile Builder’s Edit Profile page.