• hello there,i have been facing a problem and i m not expert with blogging so here i go 1st of all i am running a simple blog at weblog.com
    my problem is i have posted a couple of links(to other websites)when a visitor clicks on this link the whole page redirects to the other website(the one whoz link was clicked)
    what i want is that when a visitor clicks on the link it should open in a new page
    my 2nd problem is that when i post something new it comes on the top of my blog is it possible that my every new post comes on the bottom of my blog.. please help !

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  • post links in this format a href=”#100″ target=”_blank”>123123</a
    target=”_blank” will open in new page

    Thread Starter ezcash


    thank you but the problem is that the link is already there in my blog so now what exactly do i have to do go to EDIT POST and there i see the banner i have posted so what exactly do i have to do to make it open in a new page ?
    iam sorry for this trouble but i am new to blogging

    Thread Starter ezcash


    i mean when i go to edit post then i see a banner then i click on HTML and it shows me the html code for this banner now what do i have to edit to make this link open in a new window

    Thread Starter ezcash


    can somebody please help me here

    Thread Starter ezcash


    anyone plz ?

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