Link Indication quote replacement problem and workaround
In case this might help someone else:
I emailed the author of the Link Indication plugin just now, because there seems to be a couple of bugs in the latest release of his (otherwise very good) plugin.
On line 302 of link-indication.php, he has:
$final_stuff = str_replace('\'', '"', $final_stuff);
This is problematic. If I have, for instance, an element thus:
<a href="https://localhost/wordpress/blog" title="My blog, 'Cognitive Conga'">Ratiocinations</a>
then the single quotes are turned into double quotes by the plugin, which makes the XHTML not well-formed.
The workaround is to comment out this line of the plugin.
Another issue, which I didn’t mention to the author in my message to him, is that I think the regex pattern on line 117 ought to be
'/<a (.*?)(href=("|\')(.*?)("|\'))(.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/i'
Perhaps someone else could confirm this?
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