• Resolved cafesolo70


    Hi the dev team,
    I would like that each entry, option, in the dropdown menu to refer to a defined URL :
    option 1 > website.com?fistchoice
    option 2 > website.com?secondchoice
    It’s possible to do that with Forminator ?

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  • Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @cafesolo70

    I hope you’re well today!

    I’m not sure what the exact goal here is – if you only want to show those in options or you actually want to redirect to those sites upon subbmission?

    If it’s the first one: you only need to put those website addresses (without http or https protocol prefix) in select option labels.

    If you want to redirect to those sites upon submission:

    – first, for each such option put the site URL without protocol prefix in the option value
    – and then in “Behavior” settings set redirect behavior and as redirect URL add this:


    Note: you may adjust select field ID if it’s not 1″.

    Take a look, please:



    Best regards,

    Thread Starter cafesolo70


    Thanks a lot, I think that’s gonna be allright.
    Have a good day.

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