Hello Bojan,
in the style.css there are a lot of comments, but only this “real” code
Making theme checkers happy :D
.entry-content a {
color: #ffca08;
.entry-content a:hover, .entry-contenta:focus {
color: #ffca08;
.wp-caption .wp-caption-text .gallery-caption .bypostauthor .alignright .alignleft .aligncenter{
I think the reason is explained in this comment:
PixelHunter is built with SASS. All the CSS you would usually found in here are spread out (modularised) in different folders inside the SASS folder. You can find all the styles over there.
1-tools —> Third party tools like Normalize, SASS mixin libraries Bourbon, Neat goes here.
2-base —-> All the base styles, SASS variables, placeholders, etc goes here
3-modules –> Most of the styles lives here. Spread out into different partials for different modules
Caching was off (is now back on).