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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @td5 – We often suggest you do this via a Custom Template for the particular gallery display you are using.

    Here is a link to some useful information:

    You are also welcome to suggest this as a Feature Request sharing your thoughts on what you would like to see here:


    – Cais.

    Can you please elaborate on that? I could not find an answer to the question “how to link back to an album from gallery page” on For one, the word “album” isn’t mentioned anywhere on that page…

    More detailed instructions would be appreciated.

    Please include a scenario where there are more than 1 album on a site. The solution suggested on won’t work (adjusting a single gallery.php page with a link back to the album page).


    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @ferguswebsites – It would most likely have been best for you to have started your own topic but essentially “templates” are a NextGEN Legacy hold-over.

    We have bundled a few different templates for some of the Basic Gallery displays as samples to work from as we do not actually provide support for creating custom templates more than the basic documentation you have already noted.

    As to not finding the work “album” on that page, although obviously different in the intent of the displays the creation of custom templates for galleries or albums is the same basic process.

    Our future goals are to move completely away from using templates so you may also consider a Feature Request for the functionality you are looking. Please see this form:


    – Cais.

    Thank you for the quick reply. I did add a feature request already, but was wondering what I could do in the meantime. Being able to click back to an album from a gallery seems like it should be part of the basic functionality of albums.




    This is a workaround, but it worked for me. You will have to access the plugin files through FTP, and this can be overwritten if there are any future updates. But it’s a simple enough thing.

    1) In your FTP client, go to /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/nextgen_basic_gallery/templates/thumbnails

    2) Open the index.php file to edit.

    3) Add this code just before ‘<?php if (!empty($slideshow_link)): ?>’ around line 10

    <input type="button button-small" value="&laquo; Go Back" onclick="history.back(-1)" />

    Hope that helps.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @kangomedia – Thanks for sharing here, too.

    – Cais.

    @kangomedia and @photocrati let’s say user are in 1st page and want to go to 3rd page of gallery. And then they want to go back to album. history.back(-1) Will make user go to 1st page again because it’s step back to the page before, not linking to album page.

    I dont get any solution to this. I have 3 sub album and it should have “back to album” button

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @ryandadwi – The suggestion shared would have its drawbacks as you are noting but that is essentially what is available to use at the moment. The onclick snippet above is a good work-around but not necessarily a solution for all.

    – Cais.

    @kangomedia – Hey, man… you are great, thanks!

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