There are different ways to handle this. If you want space between paragraphs throughout your site, you can modify the Constructor style.css file.
Save a copy of the original style.css file in case anything goes wrong so you can restore the original. Open style.css in a text editor like notepad (for PC) and find
.hentry .entry p{
Change it to
.hentry .entry p{
Save the file as style.css (that is, don’t change the name). If you are using Windows, make sure it doesn’t add .txt to the file name. Now use FTP software like WS_FTP (there’s a free trial) or Cute FTP on a PC to upload style.css and copy over the existing style.css.
You can adjust the margin-bottom value to your liking. Try 16 and see how it looks.
I’m assuming you know how to use FTP software, but that might not be true. Let me know if not.
You can also do this “manually” using in-line CSS. That’s fine for once or twice, but if you want your changes to apply to all paragraphs, it’s better to use the method above.
For in-line, in the HTML editor window of WordPress, you can do this to a paragraph.
Say you have some text like this.
Put the follow code before and after it.
<p style=”margin-bottom:16px”>Put the follow code before and after it.</p>