• Resolved vrijwilliger



    On my web site https://volunteeringbrussels.be/hetpunt/ I have problems with spaces between paragraph titles and text.

    Note: I’m using Dean’s FCKEditor With pwwang’s Code Plugin For WordPress to make sure I do not lose changes in the code when saving a page.

    My problem is that the space between a paragraph title and the following paragraph is too big. It should be the same as the line space between the text within the paragraph itself.

    How can I change this?

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  • Line 466 of style.css has:
    p margin-bottom: 24px;

    Try changing that to 10px or thereabouts until you are satisfied.

    One thing I’m not crazy about with the 2010 theme is the large text and fat paddings/margins, especially where forms are concerned.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    I edited style.css (in the directory for my personal theme) It changed something, but not what I want. I just want the distance between titles and paragraphs to change.

    Thread Starter vrijwilliger


    I found it out myself.
    Simply put paragraph title and paragraph body in the same <p> </p> and the title will be exactly one linespace above the text.

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