• Resolved Keith Davis


    We check our whole WordPress installation into Git for tracking. A few versions ago, some of the files that were updated had CR as line-endings, instead of LF. I doubt that was intentional, so I’m just bringing it to your attention.

    c:\inetpub\pridedallas.com-wordpress>git status
    On branch master
    Your branch is ahead of ‘origin/master’ by 1 commit.
    (use “git push” to publish your local commits)

    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use “git add <file>…” to update what will be committed)
    (use “git restore <file>…” to discard changes in working directory)
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/css/images/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4/images/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/css/jquery-ui-1.10.4/jquery-ui-min.css
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/badge/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/black/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/chrome_blue/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/chrome_grey/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/cute/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/official/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/icons_theme/stitched/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/images/index.php
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/js/custom.min.js
    modified: wp-content/plugins/ultimate-social-media-icons/js/shuffle/modernizr.custom.min.js

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  • Plugin Contributor socialtech


    Thank you for reporting this!

    This might be caused by pushing changes on Git using different operating systems (Windows and Linux).

    Is this creating any issues?

    Thread Starter Keith Davis


    Yea, that is usually what causes it, but configuring .gitattributes and or setting git config core.autocrlf true can ensure that files are committed with LF, regardless of the settings.

    No usage issues, I just had to make some adjustments to my Git repo for our tracking purposes and you might run into issues with other devs if you have people contribute to the source.

    Plugin Contributor socialtech


    Ok, thanks for letting us know @laurin1. I will forward this to the developers.

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