• I’ve looked around but can’t find anything on this. Hope I’m not being redundant.

    Running WP 2.01. For some reason, I can’t get my paragraphs to separate in posts. I’m getting a line break, but not the extra space I’d like between them.

    I’ve tried adding paragraph tags, break tags, you name it. In the preview, it looks great, but when I view site, nada.

    Firefox, Mozilla, Safari, Camino, Opera, IE, all the same.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a bunch,


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  • Most of those browsers you listed have shared rendering engines with one or the other, but what exactly do you mean? Can you specify what theme you are using?

    Press Shift + Enter

    Thread Starter gdane


    I’m using a customized theme, with the interface designed to match sister sites (main site and forum). Blog is blog.webwired.org.

    When I write a new post in any category, I’m not getting a double space between paragraphs. As I mentioned above, I tried HTML tags (paragraph and break) and also the shift + enter as mentioned by dommega8, which is just a keyboard shortcut for the break tag.

    If you go to the blog, which is in the development stage right now, look at the second post — “Test Post”, which has multiple parapgraphs, JUST LIKE THIS POST.

    However, unlike this post, those paragraphs don’t have the extra space between them. Check the post; you’ll see what I mean.

    The only plugins I had before the upgrade (did I mention everything worked before 2.01?) were WP ShortStat and Search Pages, both of which were disabled prior to upgrade.

    Anyway, I’m at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated. By the way, dommega8, as I mentioned above, I tried pairs of break tags — shift + enter. That was before I tried paragraph tags.

    Nothing works.


    Thread Starter gdane


    I just tried a couple of other themes — the quickest way to determine if it’s WP or one’s own code that’s broken, and everything displays fine in the other themes. So it’s something I did to my own code.

    Sheesh! Now all I have to do is figure out what.


    It might help to have a working link to the blog you’re talking about..because no one can see anything….the CSS or Source codes of the page. =( So are we supposed to just guess on what to change or not, without being able to see the problem at hand?

    Even the link in your name isn’t giving us anything lol..


    Thread Starter gdane


    I could have sworn I put the link in my second post. Let’s see… yup, there it is: blog.webwired.org

    Thread Starter gdane


    Sorry about that gdane. =( Just must have overlooked it. I’m used to seeing actual links rather then “copy and paste” links. Must have just assumed it was an example blog or something…my bad. =(

    I’ll look at it once…see what happens. =) Thanks for pointing that out though…LOL! =) I like a smart assed smack in the face sometimes hahaha…


    And yes, I’m kinky sometimes, so a good smart assed smack in the face is a turn on..but only when women do it lmaO!!

    Thread Starter gdane


    Comments aren’t spacing properly, either. No extra line between paragraphs.

    Sure wish I knew WP better.


    Well, I wouldn’t be worrying about that too much, atleast your page (s) are looking almost the same in both browsers.. I mean shit, can’t get any better then that LOL!

    As for the spacing for Comments…just click the enter button after each “sentence” or paragraph once.. If that’s not right…I’ll try/check my codes once to see…brb…


    Maybe try specifying a margin on the p tag? You’ve got a lot of tags set to 0 margin at the beginning (html, body, ul, ol, li, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, form, fieldset) but there’s no margin set on the p. Maybe one of those is overriding… because the p tags are there, so WP is functioning as expected.

    FruitFly knows some shit to, so try what she said as well..

    In the css file, try: p{padding:0 0 1.6em 0;
    once, some where in there in the CSS file..


    Im not sure though, each theme can be, and is different…might have to play with it accordingly. =)

    She said, actually. ??

    Oh! Sorry about that FruitFly.. oops. now I feel bad,..going to re-edit it.. Ok, done now.. =)


    Thread Starter gdane


    It was the zero margin style for the p tag (specified in the CSS’s first style). I deleted the “p” from that style, and it works like it should.

    You rock, FruitFly. Spencerp too. Many thanks to both of you. (Is it just me? Or is the planet spinning just a wee bit smoother?)

    Best regards,


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