• Resolved fundin


    I’ve got two separate problems to deal with:

    1. The php script automatically creates a line break in the code when executed in html and I am trying to find a way to remove it

    see: https://www.josefinfundin.com right column, shows widget, I want jamestown, ny (which is generated from the excerpt) to e next to the self generated date


    2. I am also trying to create a separate design for this widget, aka remove the lines between the shows for a more tighter fit since hopefully there will be lots of shows to show. I know the css file has all that but I can’t seem to find where it is actually thrown in with the php. Where would I go about creating a separate design for just this widget

    thanks so much in advance.. would really help a lot


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  • Thread Starter fundin


    <?php if ( $instance[‘date’] ) : ?>
    <h5 class=”uppercase light”><?php the_time(‘F j, Y’); ?> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </h5>
    <?php endif; ?>
    ” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?>

    some of the widget code might help ??



    1. you could try and solve it with css:
    add this to the end of style.css of your theme:
    h5.uppercase p {display:inline;margin-left:10px;}

    if that does not work, you could try and edit your widget code from:

    <h5 class="uppercase light"><?php the_time('F j, Y'); ?> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </h5>


    <h5 class="uppercase light"><?php the_time('F j, Y'); ?> <?php echo strip_tags(get_the_excerpt()); ?> </h5>

    in style.css – this style influences some of the ‘widgets’ formats, such as the line inbetween, and the padding:

    #sidebar li ul li {
    				margin:0 auto; padding:10px;
    				background:url(images/divider.gif) no-repeat bottom center;

    Thread Starter fundin


    Thanks, the echo strip worked great, exactly what I wanted

    the second is a whole other story ?? I know css and know how to change it but I only want to change the design for this ONE widget. I am new to wordpress but the sidebar css seems to change all the widgets and I can’t seem to find the right template that holds the css tags for each individual widget.. if there is such a thing



    look into sidebar.php and see where the code for this particular ‘widget’ starts ( it is maybe a <li> maybe with a class=”widget”; …) and see if you can add another class to this widget – which you can then use to style it.

    you could also copy the code of the whole sidebar into a https://wordpress.pastebin.com/ and post the link here, so someone may have a lok at it.

    Thread Starter fundin


    here’s the code for sidebar.php and from what i can tell the widget is not in there.. I’m guessing it’s called through wordpress widget handlers thingie but I still can figure out where to code for it is processed.




    called through wordpress widget handlers thingie

    you might find some related code in functions.php of your theme.

    check the documentation:

    particular this line:
    'before_widget' => '<li id=\"%1$s\" class=\"widget %2$s\">',

    if your code in functions.php does not have this (%2$s) which enters an additional class to the widget, try and add it.

    Thread Starter fundin


    I’m not really sure what you mean, I’ve added the “second class” but how do I call it on only ONE widget.. that’s the big problem, to create a separate class for this one widget that doesn’t affect the others



    call it on only ONE widget

    wordpress does this for you.
    see this copy from your rendered html from the browser:

    <ul id="sidebar">
    	<li class="widget widget_categoryposts\"><h2><a href="https://www.josefinfundin.com/?cat=3"><img src="https://.......
    .	</li>
    </li><li class="widget widget_twitter\"><div><h2><a class="twitterwidget twitterwidget-title" title="Twitter: fundin" href="https://twitter.com/fundin" target="_

    there is just one thing: the line i posted:
    'before_widget' => '<li id=\"%1$s\" class=\"widget %2$s\">',

    has to use without the backslashes \ – so please edit this in your functions.php (remove these backshlashes).

    from the snippets of your site, you can see that the first widget now has an additiional class ‘.widget_categoryposts’ – which you can use to style it differently from the twitter widget for nstance which got the class ‘.widget_twitter’

    Thread Starter fundin


    Thanks but I’ve figured it out now. I created a separate function called before_widget2 and called it in the shows plugin, then I just created a separate css for widget2

    perfect ??

    thanks for all the help anyways

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