• Resolved aroostook


    I have searched the topics to no avail. How do I simply put a blank line between paragraphs? Christ I’m regretting this switch already. Not supposed to be so fracking complicated is it? I JUST WANT A BLANK LINE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS!!! HELP HELP HELP
    And the <p> is hopelessly worthless….

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  • Gfindlay – I want your plugin but when I go to your download library and click on download, I get a 404. Please, please – where is this plugin??


    Hey folks: I don’t know much about WordPress, but this seemed to work for me without breaking anything. The problem is that WordPress, in its great widsom, is applying a bunch of filters without asking you. So you simply go to:


    and take a look. Comment out anything you don’t like, and you should see an improvement.

    Of course, you might also see SQL injection stuff that brings your site down; it is good to filter out potentially lethal posts that are actually naughty instructions to your database. I commented out only these three lines:

    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘convert_smilies’);
    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘convert_chars’);
    add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’);

    And that seemed to do the trick. Since on my site, I’m the only one to edit the_content (the post field), this shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe it would be better to leave convert_chars in, I don’t know.

    Oh — and this is on an OLD WordPress (1.5.2). I’d be really surprised if they’d changed this in the upgrade, but you never know.

    Hope this helps, and doesn’t break anything.


    I tried all of these suggestions to no avail. I am definitely ready to find another CMS. Why can you not add a blank line to your post without it getting deleted. It is absurd.

    I have tried so many things just to get a few blank lines. This is a total waist of my time that I have to spend so much time trying to add a blank line or 2.

    Any more ideas?

    For Text control plugin, what settings worked for you?


    I’m sorry to say that I’m having the same problem. I’ve just spent hours trying to add a blank line in-between verses of a song whose lyrics I included in a post (https://www.itsaboutstartingover.com/2007/10/20/year-2-at-the-rimon-school/). It’s at the bottom of the page.

    Please, please, can someone help with this? I really need to post lyrics to my blog (I’m a songwriter) and without a blank line between verses, they look awful!

    Thanks in advance for your help,


    i’m having the same problem … i’m reading through the advice on here but unfortunately none of it makes any sense to me because i’m not a computer person; I just blog, y’all. I tried downloading the plugin but didn’t know what to do with it … i know basic HTML and don’t understand why it doesn’t work. The weird thing is that the line breaks used to work for wordpress – it’s only recently that they don’t. Can somebody post some advice in Blogging English for Blogging Dummies? Thank you …


    you are in the wrong forum. WordPress.COM has its own forum…

    Um. I’m www.remarpro.com and I’m also having this problem. No matter what, all my line breaks are removed… “shift+enter” didn’t help.

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