• troutish


    OK. So i’ve tried updating wordpress countless times, I’ve tried enabling//removing markdown, I’ve tried using other plugins and i’ve tried everything but restoring WordPress 1.x

    Still no matter what I do I CAN NOT GET LINE BREAKS when editing or creating posts. Paragraphs finish
    like this

    with NO breaks in between. Also when I Copy & Paste a post from the internet into wordpress (cross-posting is a key-element of my blog and had NO trouble with the really old, previous version of wordpress) it keeps font settings ETC from the other pages.

    I also get errors mentioned in another topic, when I save & continue editing, then later publish a post, the post publishes fine; but I recieve an error.

    I am not the only editor on this site (https://olivebranchoptimism.net) and the other editor is not yet HTML savvy, and as such I NEED the wordpress features to work!!!

    When someone writes a post with line breaks, THEY NEED THE LINE BREAKS. I can’t go through every post adding <BR><BR> at the end of every paragraph manually, it’s impractical.

    Anyone else had this trouble? Any way to fix this??? Is it fixed in the 2.1.x versions????????

    I really can’t see any reason for it. Supposedly wordpress would detect double-returns, and input <p> tags accordingly to show a break; but this doesnt happen either. It is however inserting <p> tags at the beginning of paragraphs, and tags at the end….

    please explain???

    lukey at iinet.net.au if you could email any suggestions?? I’m stumped. I’ve been trying for a month (albiet in what little spare time I have) to fix the issue. I can’t. I need your help!

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  • Oh wow… this it the fix:

    This gentleman has enabled a rich text editor to work as a plug in with WP.

    NOTE: you leave the rich text editor disabled … this one shows up when you go to edit a page. It has a lot of functions, but it definitely didn’t do that weird “P” thing all over my html. ?? It also left my <div id=”red-box”> alone, which WP+TinyMCE couldn’t do. ?? ??

    Nope…. Xinha or Xinha4Wp does not work for us Safari users accordingly the author/developer of that blog.

    So as far for me, I am still waiting for the gold-solution ??

    I’m having the same issue- when I write a post and publish it all of the paragraphs get bunched together with no lines between them. When I look at the code it doesn’t retain the p tag.

    Using Safari on a Mac.

    If you are not using Safari and running at least WP 2.0, this is a solution:


    or here:

    It solved all problems mentioned in this thread that I shared.

    – Much more capable and feature rich WSIWYG editor
    – All line / paragraph problems resolved
    – Displays and retains all raw code
    – No elimination of code toggling between WSIWYG and code
    – No elimination of code publishing and re-editing
    – Enables copy and paste from MS Word with full retention of formatting (if desired)

    I am running WP 2.2.2

    I am now on ver 2.3.3 and the same problem is still there.

    It is only in Safari, but thats my favorite browser. Can’t see that much discussion about this topic now a days, does it mean that it’s only me?

    Any one else still having the same problem?



    Yeah I’ve been having the problem. I think the problem is only for Safari though. I use both Firefox and Safari and using firefox works. The FCKEditor works too, but it doesn’t work with my Flickr Photo Album plug in. I guess I’m just going to use Firefox from now on.

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