Hi @amava,
I’m afraid, there isn’t any out of the box setting regarding this. However, we do have a custom coding that you could apply to make this work.
Please find the code attached here:
To make the above code work, you’ll have to first ensure “wpmudev-option-limit” class name is added to your checkbox under the “Styling” tab:
Screenshot at 18:33:24.png
Once done, edit line 48 in the code to add the form id, ie from:
form_ids: [123, 9034],
Where 987 is just an example, you’ll have to change that to your form ID. Multiple IDs can be added as seen in the existing code. You can find the ID of the form in the shortcode or when you edit the form you should see the ID in the browser address bar.
Once done, since it’s a checkbox make sure to add the correct checkbox ID as shown in the following screenshot by editing line 49:
Screenshot at 18:36:34.png
ie from:
'checkbox-2': 5,//[field-id]:[limit]
'checkbox-1': 3,//[field-id]:[limit]
The value 5, can be changed to 3 as you only want to limit the checkbox to 3. Once done it should work fine.
The given code can be implemented as a mu-plugins. Please check the following article for more info on how to use a mu-plugins:
Best Regards,