• Hello, I am rtruing to display the recent post. Here is the code i used to display the recent posts in my template.

    ` <?php get_archives(‘postbypost’, 4); ?>

    it gives this rsult

    Recent Posts

    * Recent discovery shows new ways to fight cancer
    * Obama blasts “quasi-incumbent” Clinton
    * The Great iPhone Hack, round 3
    * FACTBOX-Iraq and economy hold keys to Australian election

    I want each headline to, display certain number of characters ( in this case 22 character )and headline ending with two dots .

    Then it must look like this

    Recent Posts

    * Recent discovery shows..
    * Obama blasts “quasi-in..
    * The Great iPhone Hack,..
    * FACTBOX-Iraq and econo..

    Any help will be appreciated. Thnak you

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