I’m trying a similar thing myself.
You can put tags around the content you want editable in a page i.e.
<div class="raptor-editable-area">
then if you edit the encloseEditablePosts function in Raptor.php in the plugin folder you can replace those tags with ones for enabling raptor on that area.
public function encloseEditablePosts($content) {
global $post;
if(current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID)) {
$replace = "<div class='raptor-editable-post' data-post_id='{$post->ID}'>";
$content = str_replace('<div class="raptor-editable-area">', $replace, $content);
return $content;
Then if you change the raptor-in-place-init.js in the javascript folder so that it goes through a loop of those areas rather than applying it to the whole doc… (just needs the top few lines adjusting)
raptor(function($) {
var textareas = $('.raptor-editable-post');
if (!textareas.length) return;
textareas.each(function() {
//if (!$('.raptor-editable-post').length) return;
don’t forget to close off the loop with a new
at the bottom.
I’ve now got editable areas in a post!. A touch hacky but seems to work. Any obvious probs, post them here – I’m still in my infancy with wordpress so I don’t know if I’m doing something terribly dodgy, but I can’t see a prob with it myself.