Hello @shemakeswebsites ,
Thanks for reaching out.
We use the Select2 to load those tags and categories. You can use the “data-maximum-selection-length” attribute to limit the number of tags you want to allow.
For example, to limit the number of tags on the add product page you need to open the file – dokan-lite/template/products/new-product.php and navigate to line #270 and add the mentioned attribute like this –
echo str_replace( '<select', '<select data-placeholder="'.esc_attr__( 'Select product tags', 'dokan-lite' ).'" multiple="multiple" data-maximum-selection-length="3"' , $drop_down_tags );
This will stop the user from selecting more than 3 items in the tags field – https://prnt.sc/t9k36o
You need to repeat the procedure for dokan-lite/template/products/new-product-single.php file as well.
Thank you.