• Resolved shemakeswebsites


    How do we limit the product tags per item? Without a limit, vendors can easily abuse tags and destroy load speeds with excessive taxonomies. Please advise, thank you.

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  • Hello @shemakeswebsites ,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    We use the Select2 to load those tags and categories. You can use the “data-maximum-selection-length” attribute to limit the number of tags you want to allow.

    For example, to limit the number of tags on the add product page you need to open the file – dokan-lite/template/products/new-product.php and navigate to line #270 and add the mentioned attribute like this –

    echo str_replace( '<select', '<select data-placeholder="'.esc_attr__( 'Select product tags', 'dokan-lite' ).'" multiple="multiple" data-maximum-selection-length="3"' , $drop_down_tags );

    This will stop the user from selecting more than 3 items in the tags field – https://prnt.sc/t9k36o

    You need to repeat the procedure for dokan-lite/template/products/new-product-single.php file as well.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter shemakeswebsites


    Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter shemakeswebsites


    Hello, it looks like code was changed in the latest update and the suggestion provided earlier no longer works. Can you please help?

    <div class="dokan-form-group">
                                            <label for="product_tag" class="form-label"><?php esc_html_e( 'Tags', 'dokan-lite' ); ?></label>
                                            require_once DOKAN_LIB_DIR.'/class.taxonomy-walker.php';
                                            $drop_down_tags = array(
                                                'hide_empty' => 0,
                                            $my_tax_terms = get_terms( 'product_tag', $drop_down_tags );
                                            <select multiple="multiple" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Select product tags', 'dokan-lite' ); ?>" name="product_tag[]" id="product_tag_search" class="product_tags dokan-form-control dokan-select2">

    What do I edit to limit the amount of tags per product please?

    Hello @shemakeswebsites ,

    Oh! no problem we can still use a similar solution.

    Replace the line #259 with this –

    <select multiple="multiple" data-maximum-selection-length="3" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Select product tags', 'dokan-lite' ); ?>" name="product_tag[]" id="product_tag_search" class="product_tags dokan-form-control dokan-select2"></select>

    This should like before.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter shemakeswebsites


    Thank you. ??

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