Copy the theme templates you want to tweak to your child. Find the part that outputs the red category tags and remove it. Even if you don’t code, don’t be afraid to try things. Just keep a copy of last known good file to revert to if your effort fails.
If you have trouble determining the right template, there are plugins that will report the templates used on any particular page.
To insert a divider bar, you want to add a CSS rule that adds a bottom border to the overall post container. On your home page, and likely other post lists as well, something like
article {
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
Add to your child style.css. Adjust the spacing with padding-bottom and margin-bottom styles. Obviously you can change “black” to any color and set the 1px to any size. There are many styles besides solid. Dotted, dashed, etc. Search engines are your friend. “css bottom border style properties”
2. There should be an image widget you can use for sidebars. When you specify the image to use, you can select which size to display.
1. Yes! This involves some coding, but there are good examples to work from. Adjust the examples thoughtfully and you can get what you want without really knowing code. The key is to use the “pre_get_posts” action. Place the best fit example on your child functions.php. Again, keep a last known good copy and test any changes you make frequently so it’s clear the last edit is the cause of any problem.
If you get stuck on anything, let us know and someone will try to help you out. Good luck, and most importantly, have fun ??
]]>And yeah just hate the links there just looks so gaudy!!!
So when I make the new folder do I need to make two folders or just one one folder?
Also perhaps I missed it but I did not see what folder it needed to be uploaded to is it uploaded to theme or themes/excellent.1.0.6 or themes/excellent.1.0.6/excellent
]]>I also used a plug in to hide the posts from the main page. the plug is is called
WP Hide Post
It just adds a check box list below the new post box and you just select boxes next to where you wish to hide the post so in this case I just check hide from home page and poof no post on the home page but does show up fine on the categories page and such!
Thanks for the help!