How to Allow more than 12 Image limitation:
Modify this two file. it works for me
Step 1: Plugin Editor “Built Into WordPress”
Go to Plugins and there should be a Plugin Editior, Whichs allows you to modify the Plugins.
Go to wp-admin/plugin-editor.php
Step 2: Modify this file
Look for:
$IGItem[‘insta_limit’] = (($IGItem[‘insta_limit’] > 0) && ($IGItem[‘insta_limit’] <= 12)) ? $IGItem[‘insta_limit’] : 12;
CHANGE THE 12 Limit to what ever you want.
$IGItem[‘insta_limit’] = (($IGItem[‘insta_limit’] > 0) && ($IGItem[‘insta_limit’] <= 250)) ? $IGItem[‘insta_limit’] : 250;
<td><input name=”insta_limit” type=”number” min=”1″ max=”12″
value=”<?php if(!empty($InstaGalleryItem[‘insta_limit’])){echo $InstaGalleryItem[‘insta_limit’]; } else {echo ’12’; }?>” /> <span class=”description”><?php _e(‘number of pictures to display (max: 12)’,’insta-gallery’); ?></span></td>
Again, Change Value of 12 to what ever you want
<td><input name=”insta_limit” type=”number” min=”1″ max=”300″
value=”<?php if(!empty($InstaGalleryItem[‘insta_limit’])){echo $InstaGalleryItem[‘insta_limit’]; } else {echo ‘300’; }?>” /> <span class=”description”><?php _e(‘number of pictures to display (max: 300)’,’insta-gallery’); ?></span></td>
To make things easy,
When you open the two file. just search for ” 12 ” and it should show you all the possible value to change.
Have fun, FYI Disasble AUTO update on this Plugin. If it takes an update. it will overides this file back to default.