hi @ziber3
contact form 7 doesn’t store any information about the mails and for this reason I think you may want to install flamingo for that. it was made by the same author of cf7 and it is intended to store mails into database.
Just to tell you where will be stored the data, i write the query but there are other better ways to get the same information. But i think you will have to look for %ip% inside the field “_meta” so i show you where (i suppose) you should have to look.
to get the mail stored you need to query
WHERE post_type
LIKE ‘flamingo_inbound’
the ip and the date was stored here
WHERE post_id
= {id} AND meta_key = ‘_meta’
an idea could be a spam filter that when the user sends the mail check the database looking for %ip%. if you find the ip in a field “_meta” you need the date from that field, then compare with today etc