• Resolved tfindley


    I have enabled the new ‘Like’ button for my posts. When I view the post (both as a registered user and as a anonymous user) the button appears greyed out with the text ‘Loading…’ next to it.

    Firebug code reports the following:

    <div id="like-post-wrapper-6633141-1071" class="sharedaddy sd-block sd-like jetpack-likes-widget-wrapper jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded" data-name="like-post-frame-6633141-1071" data-src="https://widgets.wp.com/likes/#blog_id=6633141&post_id=1071&origin=https://tfindley.co.uk">
    <h3 class="sd-title">Like this:</h3>
    <div class="post-likes-widget-placeholder" style="height:55px">
    <span class="button">
    <span class="loading">Loading...</span>
    <span class="sd-text-color"></span>
    <a class="sd-link-color"></a>

    I can replicate this using Firefox and Chrome.
    WordPress has W3 Total Cache (with Amazon CDN) enabled, and Bulletproof Security.



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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I am having a similar problem to @edelleye where an xml import from wp.com renders the loading error on previous posts but new posts work fine with the same settings for post format etc.

    We’re aware of the issues you can encounter with imported posts, and we’re currently working on a fix. I’ll post again here as soon as we find a solution!

    Jeremy we are waiting for a fix. Mine isnt working and i am in no mood to install a NEW PLUGIN to have the LIKE BUTTON because i love your plugin.

    I had the same problem.
    I realized that Cloud Flare is causing it.
    Like button is not working when Rocket Loader is activated.

    I’m looking forward to finding out when you have a fix. I also tried activating Twenty Eleven and that didn’t help, so I reactived Mantra.

    The Like button appears to not be working on any page, though the proper ending tags appear.

    My 404 Monitor tells me that people have tried to use the button. The site is not linked yet, but Google has indexed it. It’s a work in progress, but we’d like it to be operating correctly when it is finally linked and official. It’s at daviesuu.org currently.

    Thanks for maintaining this plugin, which is overall very useful.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @JoyceD6Could you please start your own thread, as per the Forum Welcome?

    Thank you!

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