• When i’m choosing on some pages “No sidebar” option all widgets hiding, but place for them is still on the right. In the previous version of Lightword Theme there is no problem like this, sidebar is hiding and all my gallery’s pictures using full page.

    See my gallery issue:

    Please help. I like Lightword theme, but this problem push me to change theme to something else, but i really don’t want it.

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  • Same here, it seems we can’t add any widgets to the sidebar as it wipes the existing ‘sidebar’ widgets. I’m not sure how this is setup…


    different issue;

    what you describe is kind of standard to dynamic sidebars of most themes – i.e. it is programmed this way.

    when you drag the first widget into the sidebar area, the pre-existing default spaceholder ‘widgets’ dissappear.

    if you liked them, you need to drag the same widgets into the sidebar again

    Oh! of course, thanks for that.


    I see by your link that you were able to resolve this issue. Could you please let me know how because I have the same problem. I have one page (https://brownbair.com/wp/) that I would like to have no sidebar, and the rest are fine as they are. However, when I choose the “No Sidebar” option from the drop-down menu of the page editor, it does indeed get rid of the sidebar content, it just doesn’t seem to be calling the new stylesheet that defines a single page layout.

    Please let me know if anyone can help me with this issue.

    Thanks so much!


    Thread Starter Tosyk


    sorry, but it’s error in lightwood code (php i think), no one help me here, so i ask my admin to resolving this, and he made it

    @tosyk: can you please share your “single-page-template.php” file with us?

    @tosyk: and also your “single-page-template.css” file?


    All I did to fix the problem was paste the following:

    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’lightword_stylesheet_single-page-template-css’ href=’https://YOURPAGE.com/wp-content/themes/lightword/single-page-template.css?ver=; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />

    after this:

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    in the single-page-template.php file. That cleared it all up, I’m pretty sure. But let me know if you have any more trouble and I’ll look to see if I did anything else to fix the problem. =)


    @brownbair: thanks for your help, that removed the sidebar as i wanted to! only one issue: the single page template messes up my menu buttons at the top…


    in my “tjenester” page, or any other page where i use normal template with sidebar, the buttons works as supposed. link:

    this is happening with the new w3-menu option both on and off, it makes no difference for the main page using the single page template…



    any suggestions anyone??



    okay, so i updated to from github https://github.com/andreiluca/LightWord after talking to andrei luca on twitter.

    i had to add the code from brownbair (see post above) to remove the sidebar in single page template. that did work.

    the menu buttons are still not working properly, and after the update the “home” button does appear and cannot be removed. **this only applies to single page template, pages using default template works as they should**

    I really need help with this one. I have tried w3-options both on and off, reinstalling both wordpress and lightword, nothing works. am i the only one with this problem?



    selarsen, I’d like to try fixing this issue. If you could please make an export of your database and post it somewhere, then send me a link to that backup file in a message through https://technobabbl.es/contact/, I’ll get that data into my test site and hack on it when I get some free time.

    Note that the version of you have isn’t final, so depending on how you updated LightWord this time you might have to change your method and do this instead. (WP has some good safeguards, but sometimes they just get in the way.)

    Please do remind me of both issues discussed here (the sidebar and the menu failure), since it might be a few weeks before I get to this project. Also, it couldn’t hurt to have screenshots of a page that works and a page that’s broken, for my reference while I’m trying to fix it.

    Thanks for your help. I’m sure this one will be fixed in the end. ??



    @ selarsen

    I totally had this problem as well, but for the life of me I can’t think of what I did to fix it. If I have time today, I’ll go through my files and see if anything sticks out as a possible solution.

    Sorry I can’t be of more help at the moment.

    Best of luck!





    If you do figure it out, I’d love to hear about it. Your fix could make it into a LightWord update. Please do hit me up if you have any information that might be helpful.





    When you created your menu bar, you gave it a title, correct? You should have done that on the menu page. Well, if you go to the menu page, you’ll find a box on the left that’s titled “Theme Locations”. There’s a drop-down menu in this box. Click it and select the name of the menu you created. That should solve your problem.

    Let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll see if there’s anything else I can do. =)

    Best of luck,


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