• Hey folks,

    Got another question – I want to have several tiers of dropdowns in order to organize my content cleanly and clearly and for some reason with the Lightword theme, it only allows one tier. Is there a fix for this? Any help would be greatly appreciate!


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  • Any help on this… I’m interested too!

    The theme does support custom menu so create a custom menu and arrange your menu by dragging pages.

    For child drag slightly to right and drop for grandchild slightly under child page.

    I’m also using the latest Lightword theme and have a related question.

    I can arrange my menu as per you say govpatel, but if I setup 3 tiers of links it does not display correctly. For example:

    Cars (Top link)
    – Ford (Second level)
    – Ford reviews (Third level)
    – Volvo (Second level)
    – Volvo reviews (Third level)

    When I setup the above, the ‘ford reviews’ texts displays over the ‘Ford’ text rather than coming out horizontally.

    Can anyone suggest a fix for this?

    ( 2 tiers works fine by the way).


    post your url so that can see what problem you have

    Hi govpatel,

    Thx for the reply. Sry my site was originally in maintenance mode etc but have now put it online for you to see.

    The address is: https://www.borsof.com.

    Once on the site if you navigate to to Reviews > Books > then you will see ‘Book Genre 1’ and ‘Book genre 2’ and how they do not display correctly. This is the issue I was trying to describe above.

    Any help appreciated,


    Do you have any theme options in Appearance as looks like there is some code that is adding style in sub menu

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    I’ve had a look through and there doesn’t seem to be any option which would affect this – pretty much everything is set to default.

    Any other ideas how I can resolve this ?

    Thanks for your help,

    Still having problems with this – does anyone know any sites using the LightWord theme which has multi tier drop down menus (3 levels or more)?

    Just wanted to take a look at the source code to see if it will help with this problem.


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