• stuka


    Hi, I would like to change the current color of the hyperlinks (which are gray) to something brighter, like a solid orange.

    Last time I tried to do it alone, I screwed up the whole theme. Could anyone advise me on how doing so?

    Thank you.

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  • I would also like to know the answer to this question. I’ve looked in my stylesheet and can’t find a:link, though I do see a:hover

    You can change the hyperlinks without destroying the whole them by using the Custom CSS in the ‘Lightword Settings’ page in the Appearance menu.

    Inside of it you can add CSS to change the hyperlink color such as:


    Hope this helps both of you.

    thats easy…go to custom css and than press ctrl+f to search key words you need such as: “color” “hoover” etc…

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